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Easter egg in 5200 Galaxian


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I think I have found the easter egg in 5200 Galaxian. It is a hard one to reproduce, but the code doesn't lie.


The manual states that after wave 10, "special" graphics will appear. After examining the source code thru a disassembly, I determined the following:


After you destroy a Galaxian, sometimes you will see a special graphic in the resulting explosion:


On wave 10, you will sometimes see a PacMan


On wave 12, you will sometimes see an Atari Logo.


On wave 14, you will sometimes see the initials JT (for programmer Joe Tung)


The special graphics WILL ONLY appear on the waves indicated. That's how the code was written.


It is hard to reproduce or get a screenshot, but you guys might have better luck then I.

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Sorry....but you are incorrect on this one.  


I have seen actual documents from Atari on this very subject.  Galaxian was completed for the 5200 system first, then the code was given to the Home Computer division for conversion.


if you've seen "actual documents from Atari" then I guess I am wrong,

afterall it WAS a long time ago. I could of sworn my friend got this

cartridge with his 800 which was before the 5200 was released...







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Sorry....but you are incorrect on this one.  


I have seen actual documents from Atari on this very subject.  Galaxian was completed for the 5200 system first, then the code was given to the Home Computer division for conversion.


Is this something that's on the Web somewhere?



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I've gotten the programmers initials to appear before, but I do not ever remember making it to level 13 (not even sure if I'm that good). I was tired when it happened though. If you search in this forum you will see where I posted about my discovery.


Well at least it has been confirmed thru disassembly.

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I could of sworn my friend got this  

cartridge with his 800 which was before the 5200 was released...

Actually, the 5200 was first. The only initial release games for the 5200 thet were not available on any other system were Galaxian and Countermeasure. The 800 version soon followed.

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it was one of the frist '5 finger discount' games I got


How on earth would you steal one of those? The boxes were HUGE! Unless you just snagged the game...


Either way, SHAME ON YOU! :P




Let me rephrase - It didnt come from the store but a local BBS :)


With my allowance at the time it wouldve taken 1 year to buy that game which IMHO wasnt worth it!

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Let me rephrase - It didnt come from the store but a local BBS


Oh! Why didn't you say so? Now that's perfectly ok. :D


With my allowance at the time it wouldve taken 1 year to buy that game which IMHO wasnt worth it!


Yeah it was an OK conversion, but it was riddled with slowdown. Also the sound effects would get on my nerves after awhile.



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