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New Atari 800XL owner


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Hey everybody! I just got my first Atari computer today, a CIB 800XL. I decided I wanted to add computer to my retro gaming arsenal; I was thinking about a Commodore 64 because I had one when I was a kid, but my g/f has one so I decided to get something different. So, Atari it is! I don't have any disk or cassette drives yet, but I plan on getting some. Anyway, I'm pretty new to Atari computers. What are some good games for it?


As a kid, I played Blue Max and Beach Head on my Commodore...are those available on the Atari?

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I don't have any disk or cassette drives yet, but I plan on getting some. Anyway, I'm pretty new to Atari computers. What are some good games for it?


Cancel getting the tape and disk drives and just get an sio2pc adaptor. That will give you ALL the games including Blue Max and Beach Head. ;)

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Yes Blue Max and Beach Head were definitely available for the Atari. I used to play the two of them a lot during the day. There were a lot of great games released over the years for Atari so it is hard to choose from all the games available.


If I had to choose one game, I would chose Rescue on Fractulus. I used to love that game (but watch out for the Lizards!). Montezuma's Revenge was also fun as was Star Raiders.


Regardless, there are a lot of good games to choose from :)

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