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G2f contribution, the saga continues :)


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Hi Emkay, I understand your frustration with the in-acurate Pokey libraries used in RMT. Perhaps these can be replaced soon with libraries that correctly emulate the functions of the Pokey faithfully.


Are there any other Pokey emulation libraries that are already in existance? or has acuracy never been achived with emulation yet? I assume that Raster has used existing labraries to base the PC tracker upon.


RMT is a great a powerful tracker but as you say you are not hearing what the real pokey will play and also you cannot create fully what the Pokey is capable of.


I will still have a pop at converting tracks with the current RMT libraries it's not all that bad.


Tommorow is always another revision... ;)

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Hey Tebe!  

What is the forthcoming "maps" part in the new G2F releases which you have under construction? is it for multiple screen layouts?

check out what's available in G2F so far (as regards maps)....

You know http://g2f.atari8.info was updated again. :)

Where can I get EnvisionPC ???


I was thinking that a good feature to include in G2F would be the ability to import standard formated atari fonts (...).

I'm sorry, I don't get it (yet).... :?

Could you explain it once again in other words? Is this feature highly needed???

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Hi Dracon,



check out what's available in G2F so far (as regards maps).... You know http://g2f.atari8.info was updated again.
Thanks for that Dracon, I've been reading about the new maps section it looks great, can't wait for it to be finished! G2F goes from strength to strength :)
Where can I get EnvisionPC ???

I'm sure you have probably found it by now but, here's the link..


Could you explain it once again in other words

With regard to importing standard Atari fonts.... I thought that it would be a good idea to have some control (tools) for the fonts to be directly edited and also for full font sets to be imported and exported. This is in relation to the maps section. If we can edit the font sets we can create maps (screen layouts) from the fonts we have in the project. This way we can design a games title screen with the logo and A-Z 0-9 redefined and use the map designer to create the full graphical layout of a game.


See how in Envision we can define the sets by hand.. these font tools can be useful when organising the screen layout tiles


Hope that explanation is a bit clearer!


I will post a new thread later on with a project I have been planning which will perhaps make things clearer..

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