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RIP Dragster


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I've had terrible luck with Fishing Derby and Air Raiders carts. You're the second person I've seen post about a Dragster cart dying unexpectedly. I wonder if there's something in the engineering of that cart that causes it to die?


You could always take the cart apart and check the solder joints, assuming you've already given the contacts a thorough cleaning.

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It stinks when you have a game that you enjoy a lot and have it konk out on you like that. Hopefully you will be able to get a working copy soon.


This is why I always keep two copies of my favorites, Crystal Castles, Yars' Revenge, Kaboom, etc., on hand.



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I know what it is... it's that Actiplaque. It's actually a virulent fungus. Think Dutch Elm Disease but for carts... and it's spreading through your collection now!![1]


[1] This is pure fiction and would make a good screenplay for Atari fans, hence anyone making the motion picture would they please give me royalites? Ta!

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Are you sure it is totally dead without any chance for resussitation? I've had really finnicky carts (especially Activision), but I've never had one totally die on me. :? Never give up untill you have exhausted all attempts at saving it.


I once had an M-Network game who's PCB fell right out. I was tempted to just plug it straight in to the VCS, but I've been too afraid to try.

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I had a bad spectravision cart, and when I got my ROM chips there were a lot of bad mask roms in there also (which I knew about before I bought them). So maybe it has something to do with the silicon that doesn't last on some chips. It may just be a matter of time before all cartriges die.


All of these rom chips are worthless. Looks like I take the cake for the most bad games :P


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Well... I took it on a trip with me to the mountains.... could that be the problem?


I don't think that could have been a problem but maybe. Something about the higher areas and the change in air pressure could have had some effect. I don't know if any research has been done on the effect of higher altitudes on cartridges.

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You should all consider yourself lucky... I have 3 carts dead:

One Atari, one Spectravision and one Bomb!


Personally I think I'd rather just have a dead Acti cart. :)


one of a very few dead cart I've had is a NTSC Bomb :( :sad: :x :sad:


however,, I've probably cycled 6000 carts threw my hands in the last 2 years,, and out of all those I've prob only had 8-10 bad carts.. thats why Id be more than happy to take a peak at one of these dead carts.. have you tried em on more than just one machine? Your 2600 may have a real sensitive pin.. lots of things can be your prob.. just sounds weird to loose four carts in a row like that.. have you ever cleaned a cart with a emery board?

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