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Vic-20 Commercials SLAG and Put Down the Atari 2600. Here!

Atari Charles

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Hi everyone,


As some of you may know, I like the Vic-20. Well. when I was on a Vic-20 site, I found some downloadable Vic-20 Commercials from the 1980's. These Commercials totally put down the Atari 2600 and its games. There are also some screenshots of Space Invaders and the ever shamed Pac-Man. They are downloadabel and free to enjoy! Here is the link:




"Now which one do you think deserves to be called a computer...A real computer for the price of a toy" (Vic-20 Commercial).


Atari Charles

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I had a VIC-20 when I was a kid...it was my first computer and, in fact, I blame it for helping me choose computers as my vocation...@&^!%$ Commodore :). I had tons of games for it (and, later for my 64 and 128D).


I always came back to my family's 2600 for arcade games. Even now with my PowerBook G4, MAME, and PlayStation I *still* come back to my 2600 for games.


So there. :P



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I'm sorry, but Doop Shooby... Shatner is right. Just compare the VIC-20 versions of Gorf and Omega Race to their 2600 counterparts. There's a world of difference.


The 2600 certainly has its place, but the VIC-20 is more powerful and versatile. You can see it in the games, particularly the text adventures which wouldn't have been practical on the 2600.



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Unfortunately 3.5K is not even large enough to load a machine language compiler.  So developers were often forced to write machine code by hand.
that was me. I used DATA statements and read them in a loop to poke them into memory. I recall it took me quite a while to figure out branching back to a prior memory location.
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I do remember the Shatner commercial but the comparison of course is not a fair comparison. The computer has a lot more resources than the 2600 system. Granted some games could have been better if an additional memory chip was thrown in but then it might have made the game too expensive for the time.


I almost got a Vic-20 as my first computer but for some reason I held off. I don't remember why I did but I am glad that my first computer was an Atari 800XL. That was a great little machine that provided me with a lot of new friends and great memories. I don't think I would have had a simiar experience because I don't remember too many people having a VIC-20 (although I do remember working for Toys R Us and having a major clearance sale to get rid of the Vic-20 systems that they had).

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