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Stella & libasound.so.2


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Thanks for the help. I D/Led it, it appeared to install but I still get the error:

stella.sdl: error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If I do a rpm -q libasound.so.2 I get libasound not installed.

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Well, you might have a bit of a problem here... you see, libasound is for ALSA, the "new" sound library that modern Linux uses (the "old" sound library being OSS, which became obsolete when kernel 2.6 came out). I'm not up to speed on most distributions, but if you really don't have libasound, then there's a distinct possibility that you're running a kernel that doesn't have ALSA support compiled into it. This would meant that even if you had libasound, it would simply fail to run because it wouldn't be able to open any sound devices (Whether things would run silent or outright crash, I have no idea).


If you're not sure whether your kernel has ALSA support, try going to the directory /proc/asound. If that directory exists, then you have ALSA support. If /proc/asound doesn't exist, then we have to find a way to get ALSA into your kernel.


Redhat 9 is fairly recent, so it probably has ALSA in the kernel (or at least as a module), so I'm guessing that it's just a matter of your system not being able to find the library. Try opening a terminal window and typing "/sbin/ldconfig -p" (You might need to run this as root). This will list all the libraries that your system is aware of. This will likely be an enormous list, so try running "/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep asound" instead. If libasound is correctly installed, you should get something like this:

supernova:~$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep asound

       libasound.so.2 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libasound.so.2

       libasound.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/libasound.so

Don't worry too much if the actual files are in different places than mine, my system is rather weird. If you get no output at all, try running "/sbin/ldconfig" without any parameter (this time, you'll have to do it as root). This will recheck your system for libraries. Try running "/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep asound" again and see if anything came up. If you get some sort of error message, paste it into a reply and I'll see what I can do.


If you STILL don't get any output about libasound at all, try running "locate libasound". You should get something that looks like this:

supernova:~$ locate libasound





(Keep in mind that 'locate' doesn't really search your file system... it does that late at night and keeps a database that it refers to instead. So, if you just installed the rpm 10 minutes ago, 'locate' might not find it. If this is the case, try running 'updatedb' (as root) to force 'locate' to recreate it's database (Keep in mind that this might take a little while) and then try again)


If there STILL isn't anything showing up, then libasound simply isn't installed at all... if it shows up, but in some strange directory, let me know, and I'll try to step you through getting it working.


I hope that helps.



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The following files are located on the Stella download page:


1.3 2003-02-16 21:00










If you're using Redhat 9, the file 'stella-1.3-1.i386.rpm' is what you should get. I think it was compiled without ALSA support, since RH 9 didn't have it.


If you tried the file 'stella-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm', then that one's for Mandrake 9.x/10.x, and it uses the ALSA library.


Go to http://stella.sf.net and have a look.



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Thanks for the help. With /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep asound I do get several screens of text. When I run /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep asound I get nothing. When I run locate libasound I get nothing.

I am going to move to Fedora 2 in mid-May so maybe I should try configuring then.

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The following files are located on the Stella download page:


  1.3  2003-02-16 21:00  










If you're using Redhat 9, the file 'stella-1.3-1.i386.rpm' is what you should get.  I think it was compiled without ALSA support, since RH 9 didn't have it.


If you tried the file 'stella-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm', then that one's for Mandrake 9.x/10.x, and it uses the ALSA library.


Go to http://stella.sf.net and have a look.




That file actually installed properly but it still is missing libasound.



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The following files are located on the Stella download page:


  1.3  2003-02-16 21:00  










If you're using Redhat 9, the file 'stella-1.3-1.i386.rpm' is what you should get.  I think it was compiled without ALSA support, since RH 9 didn't have it.


If you tried the file 'stella-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm', then that one's for Mandrake 9.x/10.x, and it uses the ALSA library.


Go to http://stella.sf.net and have a look.




That file actually installed properly but it still is missing libasound.




Then it must be my fault. I was sure I compiled the RH version on a pure RH9 box, which didn't have the ALSA libs installed.


Unfortunately, I don't have RH9 handy to compile it again. I suggest you compile the thing and just copy it to /usr/bin, or whereever the current stella.sdl file is now. If you need more info, send me an email.



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