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The Flicker Threshold


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I'm noticing that we don't all tolerate that 2600 "flicker" effect equally. I was just reading how some of the kids can't play Wizard Of Wor due to the flicker. I've seen similar complaints about other games being "unplayable" because of all the blinking.


Myself, I was never bothered by this or even noticed it in games until it was pointed out to me. It's simply not an issue. And there are others who feel that same way.


Any theories as to whether this is due to physical reasons? That our optic nerves are wired differently or whatever and therefore we percieve the flickering in a different way? Or is it simply a matter of personal taste, and we either tolerate the flicker or we don't?

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Back when I was in university, I was taking a class on optoelectronics, and in one of the labs, we were doing stuff with a small LCD screen. The idea was that you'd feed a square wave into the LCD, turning it on and off, over and over again... you'd then alter the frequency, and eventually, you'd get to a point where you wouldn't be able to tell that the LCD was turning off at all because your eye couldn't keep up with the speed of the changes. I think this was called the critical fusion frequency or something. Anyways, each of us doing the lab came up with a different frequency... generally somewhere between 40-60Hz... I don't know whether it's a genetic thing, or whether it's from all the video games I play, but the fusion frequency for my eyes was a LOT lower than everyone elses... I think I was even in the high 30's.


In any case, I consider that a good thing. It makes me a lot more tolerant to things like flicker and low frame rates and such. You're right though, it definitely depends (at least to some degree) on the person and their eyes.



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Try playing Spider Maze then tell me you're not bothered by the flicker
pacman is unplayable because the main enemy flickers the whole time.

And yet I have no problem with either. I know that there's flicker if I look for it, but one I start playing I truly don't even seem to see it.


That's some fascinating stuff, Ze_ro, exactly what I was wondering about. My "fusion frequency" has got to be on the low side as well.

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Hi there!


That's some fascinating stuff, Ze_ro, exactly what I was wondering about.  My "fusion frequency" has got to be on the low side as well.


Hm... buy yourself a copy of Fight Club and check how often you get to see Tyler Durden - before they meet in the plane... ;)




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Try playing Spider Maze then tell me you're not bothered by the flicker
pacman is unplayable because the main enemy flickers the whole time.

And yet I have no problem with either. I know that there's flicker if I look for it, but one I start playing I truly don't even seem to see it.


That's some fascinating stuff, Ze_ro, exactly what I was wondering about. My "fusion frequency" has got to be on the low side as well.


I'd love to see what your top score is. I've only made it past the first board because I can't tell which blur is the real enemy.


There aren't any other Atari games where the flicker bothers me.

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So, a "low critical fusion frequency" pretty much means that you get trails off of light. So that's why I had so much fun at raves.


Hm... buy yourself a copy of Fight Club and check how often you get to see Tyler Durden - before they meet in the plane...
That's no joke, I have to slow down DVDs to catch such moments. I never thought about the reason before, just figured I was being oblivious.


I can play Pac-Man or Spider Maze until I get bored, which doesn't take very long.

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I'm taking this thread right OT but my vote for "The Best Use Of Flicker In A 2600 Game" goes to the girl's nipples in X-Man.





Actually yknow when it comes to flicker.. that may have annoyed me somewhat in the olden days (especially when the newer consoles started to come out). But now, it's actually part of the charm for me for a lot of 2600 games. If it's not there, then good. But if it is.. that's fine too most of the time. So flicker away I say.. flicker flicker flicker! :D

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Yeah, the flicker doesn't really bother me at all, but I guess that people with a very high fusion frequency are the main reason that there are warnings on games about having an epilleptic seizure. :lol:

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Oddly enough, I'm really sensitive to flicker. (I can't stand a 60Hz refresh rate on my desktop, it's gotta be 75Hz or higher) On the other hand the flicker in these games never really bothered me. Frankly, I just took it as a given that this was the way that games were and there was nothing to be done about it, so you just adjust your playing to accomodate it.


Then again, low frame rates in modern games don't really bother me much either -- unless we're talking 15-20FPS. Then it gets annoying. Actually, I recently had to replace the fan on my video card because the old one died and the card was overheating (and causing nasty polygon errors in D3D/OGL games). I tested out a few games after replacing the fan. Besides everything working good, I was playing some FPS thing (can't remember which) and realized that some games at 60FPS are actually a little disconcerting.

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I was so distraught by the use of flickering in the Holiday Greeting Cart that I threw out my copy. :x (see "Australian humor" under another recent thread)


Seriously, the Chronocolour Technology as well as Paul's RPG demo convinced me beyond any doubt that flickering brings worthwhile results.

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I am very sensitive to flicker. My CRT needs to have 85Hz before I don't notice flicker any longer.


But I suppose there is a difference between the whole screen constantly flickering an only selected objects flickering. E.g. I have no problems with sprites flickering at 30Hz constantly, IMO flicker that is going on and off is more annoying.

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Hi there!


Well, I never had any troubles with the ghosts in pacman or any other games with somewhat constant 30Hz or 20 Hz flicker, but in Wizard of Wor I can actually see the sprites explicitely turning on and off, every single one of them and all at once and with different intervals. Which gets extremely annoying, getting worse every minute I'm playing it.


I never had an epilleptic seizure, but I guess in situations like these I'm probably getting close? :o


But there's things way worse. Playing some N64 games or first gen. 3dfx titles like Descent makes me vomit within 10 minutes. Really! :ponder:




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Honestly, when playing a game like Wizard of Wor on a real Atari system, the flicker isn't too bad.  But when I play the same game via an emulator, the flickering is more noticeable and pronounced.


I haven't played Wizard of Wor on an emulator, but I had a nice 2 player session of it last night on my trusty 4-switch. My eyes are always more sore after playing Wizard of Wor than from playing games with less or no flicker. As a kid I remembered my eyes being more sore after playing Pac-Man than any other game.


My flicker threshold is higher if gameplay is good, like Wizard of Wor, but I am grateful that most 2600 game designers tried to minimize or eliminate flicker altogether.

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in Wizard of Wor I can actually see the sprites explicitely turning on and off, every single one of them and all at once and with different intervals. Which gets extremely annoying, getting worse every minute I'm playing it.


Uhh... it kind of sounds like you're describing the monsters dissapearing.. which is what the enemies are supposed to do in Wizard of Wor? :? (just like the arcade game).

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Hi there!


Uhh... it kind of sounds like you're describing the monsters dissapearing.. which is what the enemies are supposed to do in Wizard of Wor? :? (just like the arcade game).


I know how the game works. I'm talking about the flicker, not invisible/teleporting enemies.




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Uhh... it kind of sounds like you're describing the monsters dissapearing.. which is what the enemies are supposed to do in Wizard of Wor? :? (just like the arcade game).

I don't think so. Manuel seemed to know the rules and the original very well when we tried to play it.

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