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New Version of RS Basketball Found!


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I already posted this in the prototype section, but I figure I would cross-post it here because it is 5200 related. If you don't like it, take it up with the moderator (oh wait, that would be me... :D )


In a recent lot of prototypes I purchased, I discovered a new version of RS Basketball for the 5200! While the differences aren't drastic, the prototype is still interesting since it shows that Atari was still developing the game long after it was thought they abandoned it.


This prototype is dated Dec. 16th (the last known prototype was dated Oct. 31st) and mainly features improvement to the shooting and computer AI. The game is still woefully underwhelming and needs more work. It is unknown if Atari continued development on the game after this date, but it's doubtful.


Sadly programmer Patrick Bass died in a car accident several years ago so we may never know the answer.



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Hi Tempest,


I saw your review on your website of the recently discovered version. I wanted to mention that, after having played it on an emulator again today, I noticed that the text box also changes colors on the earlier October version. I'm not sure if this happens at a certain time in the game, or if it depends on the score, or if it's just a glitch.


This was the second time I've played the game, and I liked it a lot more this time around. I just wish it was easier to MAKE a basket (I did shut out the computer on "hard mode," by the way, as it's very easy to steal or recover the ball after the computer tries shooting from half court). It seems like the ball should go through the basket, but it's pretty picky. The switching of types of shots with the keypad is also a bit annoying (thanks for mentioning this...I had no idea the game worked this way until I read your in-depth review)!


I'd be really interested to see how the 5200 would've done with a basketball game using a half-court view only at a time, and would then scroll as you went up the court. I've been told that Jr. Pac-Man works pretty well with this. And Football scrolls smoothly...but slowly. The players on Basketball don't look too bad (ok use of different colors, too, I suppose), but I think it would've been nice to have a bigger court so things could've been more spread out. A half court view would've allowed this.


Well, someday I hope to program a good basketball game for the 5200, after ten years of learning and mastering the language...or maybe someone will beat me to it.

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