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What did this Activision programmer work on?

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He co-programmed "Great American Road Race" for the C64.


Why the hell don't people look this kind of stuff up in a serach engine? I simply typed the name into Google and got six hits identifying his game. So you guys are interested enough in the question to post on a message board and check back until an answer appears, but not interested enough to type two words into a search engine? Baffling.

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Why the hell don't people look this kind of stuff up in a serach engine? I simply typed the name into Google and got six hits identifying his game. So you guys are interested enough in the question to post on a message board and check back until an answer appears, but not interested enough to type two words into a search engine? Baffling.


Calm down. No reason to get your undies in a bunch.




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He co-programmed "Great American Road Race" for the C64.


Why the hell don't people look this kind of stuff up in a serach engine?  I simply typed the name into Google and got six hits identifying his game.  So you guys are interested enough in the question to post on a message board and check back until an answer appears, but not interested enough to type two words into a search engine?  Baffling.


Relax. So he wanted human interaction. If it bothers you so much why reply?

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He co-programmed "Great American Road Race" for the C64.


Why the hell don't people look this kind of stuff up in a serach engine?  I simply typed the name into Google and got six hits identifying his game.  So you guys are interested enough in the question to post on a message board and check back until an answer appears, but not interested enough to type two words into a search engine?  Baffling.


Relax. So he wanted human interaction. If it bothers you so much why reply?


Not only that, but 9 out of 10 times when you ask a question here, you get a lot more info that google can't find. Along with perhaps a whimsical story or two.

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I don't understand why some people get so annoyed when someone asks a valid ATARI question on an ATARI site. Google will only give someone so much information and there are people here (like Klove) who are still with Activision who can give insight that you probably can't get from Google.

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Now you guys need to relax. Half of you have complained in the past about this forum getting bogged down by inane questions (why don't people read the rest of the site first? We need a FAQ so we don't have to answer the same questions over and over!).


It's a free board, people can ask anything they want. But I really don't understand people's continuous refusal to even TRY to figure anything out for themselves. It can be very hard trying to extract classic gaming info out of the web, but making at leats one attempt to Google it sems more than reasonable for me. But I'm an anti-social jerk anyway.

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If you simply google searched every topic, what need would there be for this forum? I'll probably ask some questions that can be answered by google, but I like for others to narrow down the abundance of info that is available and point me to the best stuff. Then I don't get bogged down. Sometimes I don't even think of the best phrase to search or I don't know what to call the thing that I'm about to search for. AA, thanks for being here for me! :!:

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Oy vey. Not gonna let this one drop? Let's try to kill this issue now.


People who refuse to even attempt to find anything out for themselves is a pet peeve indeed, but I didn't need to mention it. Late at night my heart is always full of hate, so I'm learning that its best for me not to attempt any kind of human communication until the afternoon, when my attitude is much better. In the afternoon I would have just ignored it. So there you go.


My bit about "why don't you people use search engines" wasn't an angry rant, but bewilderment. I still do not understand why someone would take a lot of extra time and effort to use a message board instead of getting the answer in a second like I did. Doing so would have also led to the realization that this question has nothing to do with Atari at all.


If you simply google searched every topic, what need would there be for this forum?
For analysis, perspective, and those few facts which are not available anywhere else.


If you're not willing to spend even a minute looking for information on your own, then the question must not be very important to you in the first place.

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