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Play Atari DRUNK ???


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Who else likes to play "Rescue Terra I" while shooting china white heroin? How about extract of Komodo Dragon pineal gland? Come on, I can't be the only one!


Really, any Atari player who isn't a teetotaler has played while drunk. And it's all good that way. How else could you possibly play Skeet Shoot?

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My roommate did once (he wasn't a gamer either). He came back from the bars around 1:00 am and decided that he had to play River Raid. He kept smashing the plane into the sides of the river and laughing his ass off. Personally I found it kind of humorus myself.



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Back in college, kids down the hall had a 2600, which they would play drunk every Saturday night (Oh, who am I kidding? EVERY night). One particularly sotted evening, they got so frustrated with a game that they beat the poor machine to death with a big, heavy, glass Vodka bottle. I've always joked that it's proof you shouldn't drink and play Night Driver, but they probably were just trying to get out of a pit in ET. :roll:





PS-check out my ebay atari auctions HERE.

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I don't drink. I'm perfectly happy in my own consciousness. Are you?


I don't drink to alter my consciousness. 4 beers does nothing to me. :)


I've never played Atari drunk, but in college (okay, the year after I graduated college), I used to play Madden football and pound a case of beer with a friend of mine. We did that for a few months until we started looking out of shape then started taking 5 mile power walks instead. Strangely, both had the same effect afterwards mentally. :ponder:

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I've played Atari while drunk before and to be honest, my gaming skills stayed the same.


I think basically it just makes you forget that you're playing the 2600. You don't really care if the graphics aren't top notch or anything.

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I should wait for the first time I get drunk until I'm hanging with Joey someday. Something tells me he'd be forgiving if I wanted to listen to "Questioningly" over and over and over and then I puked in his glove compartment.


That was every other Friday night when I was 18. On Alternating weeks it was "Flesh and Blood" by Johnny Cash. :D


I look forward to corrupting your liver. Seriously, I don't think it's cool or anything to be a slobbering useless drunk but I don't think anything is wrong with tossing back a few once in a while.

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I enjoy atari at all times and I enjoy alcoholic beverages some of the time. ;) Don't drink as much as I used to, but a tasty beer and atari playing go nicely together. I've brought atari back in focus for some of my friends and they enjoy coming over to play against me and the beverage of choice is usually a cold brew. Especially works well for Fishing Derby! :)

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Kinda OT.


My dad was in a local bowling league when I was a kid. Too much alcohol gave him double-vision. One night he said he bowled an almost-perfect game of 596. :D


I personally don't drink much ("I act like this on pure air") but did watch Pink Floyd: The Wall with my drunkard friends...they couldn't stop laughing at Bob Geldof for some reason...


I guess I'd like to see if I can get up to the gray Qotile in Yars' Revenge when inebriated...



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