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First to get 5200 Castle Crisis


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I got my 5200 Castle Crisis today, and I have just finished playing it for about an hour. I'm playing with a default 5200 stick since I have no 5200 paddles , and I think it works just FINE with the analog sticks.


I played it before at the Philly Classic, so the AA bootup screen wasn't a surprise although I did turn off the 5200 a couple times just to see it again. Cool!


As for gameplay, I am no authority on Warlords, but this game is fast furious and fun! And it's difficult!! I can't get past 2 or 3 waves!


Are the fireballs bg graphics? They move like Player sprites but there's no flicker, so I assume they are bg graphics (or a real fancy shmancy sprite engine!). Just wondering!


I like the reflect sound. It's just perfect. the explosions are great too, and I love how fast and fluid everything gets. Can't wait to hookup all 4 controllers and destroy my family's castles! BWUAHAHA! Great game, Bryede!

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As for gameplay, I am no authority on Warlords, but this game is fast furious and fun! And it's difficult!! I can't get past 2 or 3 waves!


Yeah, the difficulty is the same as the arcade game. I can get past about 3 waves before it gets insane.


Are the fireballs bg graphics? They move like Player sprites but there's no flicker, so I assume they are bg graphics (or a real fancy shmancy sprite engine!). Just wondering!  


Each fireball is a player and a missle side-by-side so a 10-pixel object is possible. The shields are characters, when they're moving vertically they're drawn into the set each vbl or all the shifted copies would take up too much space.


I like the reflect sound. It's just perfect. the explosions are great too, and I love how fast and fluid everything gets.  Can't wait to hookup all 4 controllers and destroy my family's castles! BWUAHAHA! Great game, Bryede!


Thanks! The 4-player game is what makes it all worthwhile!



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