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first first-person perspective game?


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I'm trying to find out which game was the first to use first-person perspective in the visualization. Anyone know which Atari game it was? How about games for any other systems?


Not sure if it was the first,but Tunnel Runner is a first personer.

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If Star Raiders counts, then Star Ship (1977) would technically be the first. Then there's Night Driver (1978). However if it's a game where you're walking around in first-person (as opposed to flying or driving) then I'd either have to go with Tunnel Runner or Escape from the Mindmaster (both 1982, dunno which was released first)

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However if it's a game where you're walking around in first-person (as opposed to flying or driving) then I'd either have to go with Tunnel Runner or Escape from the Mindmaster (both 1982, dunno which was released first)

When was London Blitz released?


IIRC London Blitz was released sometime in 1983.

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Star Ship was the first.


As far as walking-around 1st person games, the first I know of was a maze game by Sirius Software that came out around 81. It was the predecessor to Capture the Flag, but I haven't been able to find out its name. it was really ugly.

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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge: Treasure of Tarmin was released in 1983 (but in production since 81), and is the first "proper" 1st person perspective game I can recall.


However, it's for Mattel's Intellivision, and not an Atari console.


You actually walk around in corridors in that game, open doors, pick up weapons and fight (for its time) damn scary monsters. Actually, giant ghosts still give me the creeps. It's got scary sound effects too!


Monsters actually launch attacks towards the screen and when you fire something at a monster, it goes flying into the screen.


It was the first "real" roleplaying game I played, and I believe the first "modern" roleplaying game as well (even though it is a sequel). It still holds up today, as I from time to time play it using one of the Intellivision Lives collections (it is called "Minotaur" there for legal reasons).

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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge: Treasure of Tarmin was released in 1983 (but in production since 81), and is the first "proper" 1st person perspective game I can recall.


However, it's for Mattel's Intellivision, and not an Atari console.


You actually walk around in corridors in that game, open doors, pick up weapons and fight (for its time) damn scary monsters. Actually, giant ghosts still give me the creeps. It's got scary sound effects too!


Monsters actually launch attacks towards the screen and when you fire something at a monster, it goes flying into the screen.


It was the first "real" roleplaying game I played, and I believe the first "modern" roleplaying game as well (even though it is a sequel). It still holds up today, as I from time to time play it using one of the Intellivision Lives collections (it is called "Minotaur" there for legal reasons).







there was a 2600 version in the works, looked pretty cool too :(

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As far as walking-around 1st person games, the first I know of was a maze game by Sirius Software that came out around 81.  It was the predecessor to Capture the Flag, but I haven't been able to find out its name.  it was really ugly.



are you thinking of Wayout? I remember this game (for the 400/800)

back in the day. It was 3d and I believe it was put out by Sirius software

in the early 80's.







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  • 3 months later...
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge: Treasure of Tarmin was released in 1983 (but in production since 81), and is the first "proper" 1st person perspective game I can recall.


However, it's for Mattel's Intellivision, and not an Atari console.


You actually walk around in corridors in that game, open doors, pick up weapons and fight (for its time) damn scary monsters. Actually, giant ghosts still give me the creeps. It's got scary sound effects too!


Monsters actually launch attacks towards the screen and when you fire something at a monster, it goes flying into the screen.


It was the first "real" roleplaying game I played, and I believe the first "modern" roleplaying game as well (even though it is a sequel). It still holds up today, as I from time to time play it using one of the Intellivision Lives collections (it is called "Minotaur" there for legal reasons).

Wow, I remember this game! I would always try to find the Blue Special Book (usually located behind the Blue Evil Door, but sometimes in the larger treasure containers, especially after using the Small Pink Potion, which enables you to find better items inside the containers) as fast as I could, as it enabled you to drift through walls. I'd start at one corner of each level and hit each room (picking up treasures and killing all the monsters on the way) and, after I'd covered all the rooms, I'd find a ladder, go down it, and repeat the process. One time, just for the fun of it, I cleared all 255 levels and even went down the ladder at Level 255, which whisked me back to Level One, and got all the items and killed all the monsters I'd missed along the way before getting the blue book. Then, when I got to that level, I kept searching around for the Tarmin Treasure (I had the Pink Special Book, too, which enabled you to see through walls) and when I found it, I picked it up and won. The bad thing about this was, I'd wasted nearly an entire day. So I will NEVER do that again. But it was fun to try just once, nevertheless.

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I'm pretty sure the first first person game was on the apple or some other pre-atari computer. I know the original wizardry had first person perspective dungeons and I think the original aklabeth did also...


But I'm pretty sure Star Ship (77 arcade you said?) predates them, but they would be first 'on foot' first person...


wizardry was 81 this says...



akalabeth was '80 according to this...



i wonder what other early games may have pre-dated these?

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January of '72 is when the original odyssey started actually selling (though it's games were designed in the 60s iirc,) and it had the first home light gun games (which technically are first person, though they dont allow any movement,)




Treasure of Tarmin (the 3D inty D&D game,) came out in '83




The 2D overhead title (Cloudy Mountains,) saw release in '82.


on a side note, Treasure of Tarmin is my number two favorite game of all time, and I've been through all 256 levels.


Also, many of the early electro mechanical games by sega and the like feature first person perspectives (I know one was a periscope sub shooting thing,) and of course many of them are target shooting games as well (basically mechanical light gun games,)

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How about Skeleton+? No one mentioned that homebrew...


:) Much as I love Skeleton+, it hardly deserves mention in a 'what was the FIRST first person game' discussion. Might as well start mentioning doom and quake and wolfenstein and avp and etc etc etc etc.


One thing, though, as far as the first person 3d corridor type display goes, Inty Treasure of Tarmin was the first one I ever saw that actually was a full real time 3d person corridor environment (ergo it animated when you turned corners and moved from place to place,) was there any title prior to Tarmin that did this?

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Everyone who said 2600 Star Ship (1977) (Sears: Outer Space) is correct! It is the home version of the arcade game, STARSHIP I.


Look out your window and shoot everything in sight! "You pilot the Starship 1, from a first-person point of view, avoiding planets and shooting enemy space ships for different point values."




Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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