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On the Romscanner box


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I was just looking at my Romscanner box and was trying to make out the games in the Romscanner. Marjac tried to blank them out, but didn't do a good job.


Here's what I'm alble to make out (L to R):


Video Pinball


Space War (Text Label)


Breakout (Text Label)

Yars' Revenge

Ms. Pac-Man



Raiders of the Lost Ark


Here's a closeup pic of the Romscanner as pictured on the box. Maybe one of you can make out the two games I couldn't.



Yeah, I know...but cut me some slack...it's Friday :D


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I opened the picture in Photoshop and played with the contrast. There's really not enough resolution to see much (a better picture or even putting the box on a scanner would help a lot), and the camera flash glare doesn't help either.


#2 looks like either Baseball or Basketball.

#3 looks like it might be Space War

#5 could be Breakout

#9 could be Space Invaders

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I tried doing the Photoshop thing, too. A decent scan would make this a lot easier. Or a higher-rez photo without a flash. (If you have a tripod and a camera with a timer, you might be able to shoot in room light without a getting a blurry image.)

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I tried doing the Photoshop thing, too. A decent scan would make this a lot easier. Or a higher-rez photo without a flash. (If you have a tripod and a camera with a timer, you might be able to shoot in room light without a getting a blurry image.)


I have a tripod and a delay timer on my digital camera. I'll try to take a detailed close up of that section on Sunday. Unfortunately, I don't have a working scanner.

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I also used photoshop but intead of just tweaking brightness and contrast, I also messed with RGB setting. By pressing Ctrl-1, 2, or 3 you get red, green, and blue only view.


After some tweaking, I'm pretty sure the game #2 is Adventure.


#9 between Defender and Raider is especially hard to tell. It could be Space Invader or Star Raider. I can make out a few letters but that's all.


A better scan would really help. If I had a boxed ROMScanner, I could try it myself.

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The 2nd one, after a LOT of Manipulation in Photoshop, it looks like Breakout again. :?



I have to go take the SATs, but I'll post a comparison when I get back (if I rremember)....

But, why would they put in TWO breakouts? :ponder:



Never mind. I did a side by side comparison with the picture from AA, and it is the same length and colour as Adventure, so I agree with all now. :ponder::D


Chase Hermsen

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