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The 2600 is calling me!

Room 34

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As most of you (at least those who bother to read my self-absorbed posts) probably know, I haven't thought much about the 2600 in the last 6-9 months. I went through a big NES phase, wherein I spent most of my 5 month sabbatical last summer and fall playing inordinate hours' worth of SMB3. Then I got a GameCube for Christmas, and have been raving about Metroid Prime for most of 2004.


Well... I feel the 2600 calling me. I can't explain it. But whenever I let my mind wander, I see visions of 2600 games... River Raid, for some reason, has been a prominent element.


The 2600 is truly calling me. I need to get the old thing hooked up, dig all my carts out of the closet, and bring back the glory!


Ah... I know why. May is approaching. The 22nd anniversary of my introduction to the 2600 is here.



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So you do this, too, Room 34? I tend to travel from system to system. Trouble is, as my console collection grows, makes it harder and harder to "visit" each one within the same year. Take, for instance, my Virtual Boy. Been in the closet for a year now. Never powered on.


I've been on an NES kick myself recently, but I brought my Atari with me to college today to play during the break in the student union. Combat wars erupted naturally.


Good times. Good times. :P

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As long as we're on the topic of bringing back the 2600, let's take it in a practical direction:


I need to figure out how I am going to hook everything up. I am planning to take the VCR out of our "child-proof" entertainment unit, since we never use it. That will leave room to stick the NES and the 2600 (or more likely, the 7800) in there in its place.


I have a 4-port A/V switchbox that uses split RCA input and output (1 video 2 audio). I have 2 free ports on it, so that will be perfect... EXCEPT...


It does NOT accept composite input, either coaxial or RCA. So... :ponder: ...what can I do (short of opening the consoles and getting out the soldering iron, which would certainly be a BAD idea considering it's me doing the work) to convert the composite RCA from the 2600 and the NES into split audio and video? Is there a simple adapter for this or does it need an RF modulator?


(And DON'T tell me to just run them through the VCR! :x ... :) )

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