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Major 8-bit garage sale score!

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I to some garage sales with my wife this morning and she found a huge lot of 8-bit Atari stuff. After getting my attention, I gathered it all up and bought it. Everything is in excellent condition, most software came with the original store receipts.


I apologize to those with dial-up for all the pictures.


The 400 has a full travel keyboard mod and 48k.



Trak and Rana drives, both came with cables power supplies and docs.



A software bonanza, the Zork I with all of the packaging is awesome.

I got 2 copies of M.U.L.E. one is still in the shrinkwrap!





The seller was delighted someone wanted this stuff. :)



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Good for you man!!  


Is that a Flip'n Flop cart or disk?  


Nice Load Runner Rescue has been fetching crazy high prices lately too. 2 MULE's  Some really cool stuff there!


Thanks! The Flip n' Flop is a cassette. I forgot to mention it also came with a 410, several of the games were on tape.



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Thanks for the comments!


I figured Mule would sell for a lot. I am glad it came with 2 copies because I didn't have one. I wasn't sure about The Exodus: Ultima III, but I did sell an Ultima II for over $300 about 3 years ago. We shall see.


I always liked the EA packaging and for the most part the games. I was surprised there was no Archon in the lot. My wife and I played it against each other exactly once. It would have caused marital problems if we played more. :) We ended up playing the one player game. She hated the Phoenix.

We also still have an original Pinball Construction Set that Bill Budge autographed for us when it was new.


@AtariDude, I am kind of embarassed to say that that an Andrew Jackson covered it all.


@Velcro_SP, They did an excellent job installing the keyboard even though it looks kind of klugey. The keys are a little smaller than the 800 keyboard, so it feels funny to use.


One of the things that was odd about the whole lot was that every piece of software is an orginal. I've never seen that in all of the computers I've picked up over the years.



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I think the Ultima should sell pretty well since Origin was always neat with the little items that they included with their packages. I still have my Ultima VI for the PC with the cloth map and the little black rock from Brittania :)


Given how long it has been since I have seen such an item (I can remember seeing someone selling an Ultima III box for the Apple II series of computers about 3 years ago) and the popularity that Ultima enjoyed, I think it should do well for you if you can bear to part with it.

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How do you manage to sell a game for $300?


Shill bidding? :ponder: :P



I think it has a lot to do with luck. Everything seems to vary, sometimes the same game can go for $5-10 for awhile, then two bidders bump heads, and you see the same $5 game going for $75, it just happens sometimes. MULE often sells for $100+ I've seen it sell for around $175 before, yet I think when I sold mine it only brought around $65-70 :| But it went to a collector, and I only paid like $1 for it, so it wasn't like I could really complain about it now was it? ;)


And I sold Bounty Bob 8bit for around $100, after a .50-75 cent thrift find, then later bought back for around $80, then later sold again, for around $70, a slight loss, then bought again recently for under $40, so I'm still up by almost $50 bucks if you're keeping track, :) Sold it when I needed money, and when I had some money available I was able to pick it up farly cheap on ebay thanks to a tip from George. :)


So prices go up & down, it's ever changing as new collectors join the scene, and sometimes games are selling for high prices, then sometimes they are barely getting bids at all. It's an ever changing market.

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How do you manage to sell a game for $300?


Shill bidding? :ponder: :P




C'mon, I'm painfully honest on Ebay. It's just dumb Jethro luck. The Ultima II ended up going to Germany after a healthy bidding war. It's funny, like you said a lot of items that I think will sell high don't even sell. You never know.



cmgill on Ebay

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Thank you both for the information!


As I am in need of money right now (or will be soon, anyway) I think I will put my Ultima III up for auction, once I figure out how I can actually retrieve my money from Paypal.


My box is in fair condition, but all the contents are in mint condition, and I also have the official cluebook, which was made by Origin themselves, in an equally high quality as the manuals (it's got the fake pergament feel and all).


I don't want to risk selling my game too cheap, but I wonder if people will be put off by a high initial price...

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It was a joke' date=' and not directed towards you sorry if it seemed that way. Just meant as how does one get a game to sell for a certain price, shill it! Not how you got your game to sell for a certain price, ;)[/quote']


That's cool, I just didn't want anyone to think I'd actually do it.



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Thank you both for the information!


As I am in need of money right now (or will be soon' date=' anyway) I think I will put my Ultima III up for auction, once I figure out how I can actually retrieve my money from Paypal.


My box is in fair condition, but all the contents are in mint condition, and I also have the official cluebook, which was made by Origin themselves, in an equally high quality as the manuals (it's got the fake pergament feel and all).


I don't want to risk selling my game too cheap, but I wonder if people will be put off by a high initial price...[/quote']




I always hesitate to bid if there is a high starting price or a reserve, unless it is something really rare. If it were me I'd go with a lower starting bid and a reserve.

It's easy to get your money from Paypal, they will send it to you as a check or transfer it directly to your bank account. You can request your money online.



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