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Rookie needs help w/ 7800


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows where to view, buy or download the manual for the 7800pro. I just bought a console and am having trouble getting some games to work. I followed the game instructions and installed the right controller, push select then reset, but many will only show the game screen but won't start the game. My main question is about the function of the slider switch on back and the two switches near the ports for controllers.

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The slider on the back is the channel selector switch. So if you see a picture of any kind...that is set correctly. The switches by the ports are the difficulty switches just like those on the 2600 games. They were mainly added for support of the 2600 games, though a few 7800 titles also use them.


Most true 7800 games were designed to be start by selecting difficulty and players and pressing fire on the controller. In most cases it doesn't matter which button is pushed. However, in all cases, the reset switch is also designed to start the game.


My suspicion is that if you can't start the games but can at least get the title screens, then you have a combination of bad reset switch coupled with a faulty port on the console. The port being faulting would prevent the signal of the fire button from ever being registered. However, there is also the possibility that your joysticks fire button itself is faulty. In most cases, I have had several 7800 sticks where one of the fire buttons was always in an constant pressed mode. This would cancel the signal of any fire button going to the console since the unit already sees a button in the down position.

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Thanks everyone for all your help. I did have one controller that has a sticky fire button so I would make sure it is up when I load the game. I will check the carts for "P" and see if I can spruce up the joysticks after work today.

Games that work: Frogger and Donky Kong


Games that don't work: Asteroids, Breakout and Night Driver.

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If you can get Frogger and Donkey Kong to work I'm not sure why Asteroids wouldn't, unless it's dirty. As for Night Driver and Breakout, you didn't mention whether or not you have paddle controllers. Those games don't work with joysticks. Maybe you already knew about different controllers, if so just ignore me. :) I thought I'd mention it though, since a lot of folks new to Atari are often surprised at the variety of controllers.

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