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BEST atari Related gift??


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My family was poor and I had to buy my own atari With my own money. The same year my Grandmother who was even poorer than My MOM And Dad. Bought me a Popeye Atari 2600 cart for christmas. She heard me talking to my Uncle about it being the one Game I really wanted. I really love her and miss her. :)

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Here are my favorite two: My wife's always been into games. When I first met her, she turned me onto the Atari 5200. For our first Christmas together, she bought me a multicart for the system. Even though I own almost every 5200 title, I still have that multicart. A few Christmases later, she picked me up a Quadrun cart. I still don't know where she got that one. It definitely wasn't Ebay.

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heres the atari gift i would like to get...




a friend of mine has a pair of these in beige, i say go with the black, that way the nap drool stains wont show up. the price is kinda high but i have been looking for something to go with the pac man sheets on my futon gameroom couch.



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I'd say it was definitely the boxed 5200 (with 2 working controllers), boxed trak-ball, and about 20 games (some boxed!) I got from my wife for Christmas a few years back. The 5200 was the only Atari platform I didn't have at the time and she knew I really wanted one!

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Christmas 1982:

My Atari 2600 VCS (Vader System) and a copy of Pac-Man. Exactly what I wanted...the ability to play some sort of Pac-Man variant at home! Boy was I happy with my gift (technically I shared this gift with my older sister and younger brother)...especially Pac-Man! Hey, I was only in first grade at the time so I was pretty easy to please! ;)

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October 1997:


My dad knew that I had been looking for a replacement Atari 7800 for quite some time. Since the old one suddenly died on me, and my brother's 2600 no longer worked, I was unable to play any Atari game. Period.


So my dad ran across someone he worked with that had a 7800 for sale. $10. Got the console, two Prolines, set of paddle controllers, two driving controllers, and about 15 games (14 2600 titles, all commons, and a Pole Position 2 cart). I also got some kind of weird "rapid fire" connector for nine-pin joystick ports. Haven't really tried the thing, though, so I don't know if it works or not.


Well, my dad surprised me with the purchase. I walked into the den and sitting in the middle was a brown paper-wrapped package with a note: "Don't open until I'm home." I followed said advice. When I opened it to discover what he'd found for me, oh yes. That, my friends, was my my greatest Atari moment. :D

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This is a hard one for me so imma name a few. One would have to be for christmas in 89 i wanted an NES so bad but my folks were poor and couldn't afford to buy me the nintendo. Anyway the stores in my area were selling off all their atari stuff dirt cheap so for christmas in 89 i got an atari 2600 jr and about 20 games. I knew i wasn't geting the NES so when i got the atari and games i was really happy with it! Others would be in recent years since i've gotten back in to atari. Christmas of 2002 my wife got me about 12 atari game including a boxed and sealed ROAD RUNNER and an atari lynx with two games. Pretty much every holiday i get something atari releated from my wife.

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Around June of 1984, my dad and I had just moved into some shared accommodations with good friends of ours (large townhouse). During the move, when we ran out of boxes, we packed stuff in garbage bags. Unfortunately, when it came time to haul everything off to our new abode, my Colecovision with steering wheel and 4 games, and my Coleco Gemini with 5 games, which were packed last and in garbage bags, got mistaken for actual garbage. By the time we unpacked and realized what happened the next day, it was too late. My systems were gone. However, for my birthday a couple of months later, our neighbours -- good friends of those we lived with -- gave me a big package and two smaller packages, all nice and giftwrapped.


The first (and biggest) package contained a real Atari six-switch! I was stoked. Until I opened the other two packages. Those contained two cartridge holders, each capable of holding 18 games (9x2 slots with a large slot for manuals). They were loaded with about 30 games. It was all the neighbours son's hand-me-downs, but ask me if I cared. I had a game system back and more games than I ever owned for both my old systems combined!


A few months later I started going to Toys "R" Us every weekend to blow my allowance on a new game. (It being late-crash 1984 and all, lots of games were cheap enough to fit within my $10-a-week allowance. :-)

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