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Coloured Carts Cart Repro Idea


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Really like the look of the coloured and transparent cart cases. I don't know if it's the same for US titles but in the UK there are loads of plain white labelled carts with the name of the game in an Arial or Times Roman font on the label. I got one today and I thought yep it's a game but it looks crap on the shelf along with the other white label games. They are also a very flimsy cases that squash in your hands.


So I'm thinking of ordering some cases, and I thought of doing my own labels for them just to add variety etc. But then I thought it would be good if the idea was thrown into the pit for designing new labels for existing games that come in these crap cases.


It would be original, a generic psuedo brand name could be determined so that if these carts get on Ebay as some kind of rarity they could be easily dismissed as part of the great cart repro schemething. Folk could submit artwork in a standard label template at 300 dpi and other folk could download them print them off and stick them on.


For instance River Raid II a great game but the white label yah boo.


I'm up for doing a few, they might be crap, but imagine five different types of label that people can choose. It also helps boost the sales of new coloured carts.


Any thoughts?

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Actually these carts you have are better left in thier original condition any tampering with them would result in them being worth less than they are now.


but i can understand your wanting to make them look more like a traditional cart too :)


but part of the fun in collecting is to preserve the diversity of carts and maintain an acurate record of thier original appearance.


but hey i know where your comming from.



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There are stacks of these white label games ranging from common to rare, sky jinx, rampage, wrestling, pitfall, skateboardin’ and so on. A white label Pitfall isn’t exactly rare and you can get it for half the price of the normal (usually) but it looks incredibly dull. After all carts are getting pulled apart for homebrews (or were) for me customised carts is something that appeals.


I guess it depends on the collector, personally myself I’m not too bothered about rarity factor with my own games, I’ve got them for keeps and I play them like mad so I’d like to make the dull ones a little more interesting on the shelf.


Fair play though, I can see serious collectors not liking the idea, hadn’t really thought of it in that context originally. However a customised Space Invaders cart sounds great to me, a blue cart with the original Teddy Ruxpin alien on it. Fantastic.

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I say do it. I've got some common carts with labels that are terribly mutilated or missing altogether. I fully intend to make new labels for them as time allows. Like you, my games are mine for keeps. I buy them because I enjoy them, not because I see them as an "investment". I'd never put a repro label on a cart and then try to pass it off as a rarity. I like your idea of using a pseudo brand name to ID them as repros.



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I don't think it is a good idea. Not only are you ruining the carts, but you are taking them out of shells specifically designed for them. White label carts are not as common as you may think. Some are easy to come by in the UK, but I think it's better to preverve the original labels. Believe me, I'd love to rip the PCBs out of every MNetwork/INTV cart and put them into standard shells, but then I know if I ever did something like that that I'd regret it later.


Why don't you simply search for the International Edition labels that have the pictures on the carts?

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