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jammed cart


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I wonder if it has something to do with the fact the cart case was taken apart and then put back together. Maybe if they dont get sealed back tightly the expanded case sticks a bit? I say just back it out with a slight side to side motion. Or send the Atari to me and I'll yank it out.... But I might accidently lose the cart if you do that since I dont have a copy.

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So the game itself works fine?( i.e. the PCB is connected and alligned straight )


Hmm. Unless something is broken inside the cart, I can't think of anything right now that would keep it from coming loose other than brute force pulling it straight out.


Do you have a boyfriend or guy around, with a strong grip to help you? ;)

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Do you have a boyfriend or guy around, with a strong grip to help you?  ;)


Shame on you, sexist! :P


I bet cindy can tug that bad boy out of there. Rock it side to side while pulling it toward you. What game is it anyway and what type of system? Silver and Red label games are notorious for sticking in the slot of a heavy sixer.


Good luck! :)

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I was just about to ask the same about the type of system. Some carts can be a pretty tight fit in a heavy sixer, a Gemini or a 7800. I've never had one stick so tight it wouldn't come back out though.



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I had a cart get stuck on me once. If you open up your atari to do a mod or something, you should leave a cart in the slot so it stays aligned with the hole in the casing. Try removing the screws and lift off the top of the case to get the cart out. You might want to use a knife or a file to make the cart slot bigger. ;)

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I suppose you gotta do what you gotta do. Long as there's good results.


Funny thing though. I have a couple of red carts and a butt-load of silver ones. Have no problems making them fit in and out. Of course I have a 7800, but my brother's 2600 (4-sw.) is nearby, and I have no trouble fitting them into it either.


In fact, I can get all my carts to work well. Even the Imagic and Activision carts fit fine. Little snug maybe, but fine.

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Now that you have the game out you can compare that to a game that dosen't stick and see if it is wider or thicker than a game that dosen't stick.


If it's thicker then try to tighten the screws a little bit however if it's wider then you might have to file the sides of the slot a little.


NOTE: when filing the sides of the slot it is recomended that you keep the console upside down to prevent the shavings from getting inside.

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