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The Atari gods


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I dont know about Atari Gods but I do have a thing about "Thrift Karma". If I find somthing cheap that I already have or somthing that I know I could sell for a profit but dont really need, I pass it up so some other person can get a great deal on it. I count that as a good deed twords my thirft karma and hope that eventually it will come back to me. :) Seems to work too! 8)




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Actually, I sacrifice a goat outside the thrift store before I go in.  This doesn't seem to do anything, but it gives me a reason to keep a spare goat and lighter fluid in the trunk of my car.


Actually I have a pretty interesting point about the sacrifices 'atari gods' demand and I could write alot more because I have probably put wayyy too much thought into this.


And no I don't really believe this but you got to admit it is kind of strange...



It all started the night before a big flea market. My friend and I were on the internet and ended up at let's just say some 'low brow' sites. Nothing illeagle and not even all 'adult' sites just some pretty sick jokes and some pictures ;) Well anyway the next day at the flea market we were sure we would be cursed and find nothing due to our transgresions. However we found tons! Star Wars and Super Man were both games we were looking for at the time and we found those. Found many more games plus Crazy Climber all for $1 each.


Thus the legend began that the Atari gods demanded 'immoral' sacrifice. This wouldn't be so strange if it hadn't happened again and again. In fact one time we were at the flea market. Last booth and we had seen nothing. My friend did find at the last booth however a box full of dirty magazines and looked at one of them. No sooner than we turned around but there was a huge box of Atari 5200 games. :? It's just too weird!

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I once had a wierd experience like this. My girlfridn and I had just discovered Kool-Aid Man a few weeks before hitting some garage sales. On our way to the first one I remarked that it would be really funny if we found Kool-Aid Man for $5 at this sale. I hadn't found Atari stuff in the wild for years at that point.


When we got to the first garage sale, there was a boxed Vader for $5, and when I opened the box there was Kool-Aid Man! I freaked out, and nearly knocked off Anne's head showing it to her. Got the whole pile of Atari goodies for $5.


I bought it and as we were walking away I was sort of complaining. Of all the times for God to actually listen to me... I should have hoped to find a Porsche.

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I've had a strange kind of experience thats happened a few times. I'll be at home or work and I'll suddenly get this overwhelming urge to hit the thrifts. Its like a spidey sense I guess. Probably a good 2/3's of the time I'll find some atari or vintage gaming related goodie when this happens.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol: rogueleader, I'll have to try that.


Explaining it to my wife: Well yeah, I've been looking at more porno lately, but it's only because it helps me buy more Atari stuff.


Yes, yes. This is quite the joke with my friend and I. We are both of the same profession and graduated from college the same time. When I would see him at job fairs I would remind him NOT to mention anything about Atari gods at his interview.


Interviewer: So tell me about your other interests

My friend: Well I like to collect old games and make sacrifices to the Atari gods.

Interviewer: The what?

My Friend: The Atrai gods, They demand immoral sacrifice.

Interviewer: Well I see we are out of time, don't call us, we'll call you.

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I think you have got something htere becase i have hardley ever found anything other then a few common carts and my best find sofar has been a rarity 4 and and error cart. Maybee if i want to find the big stuff i gotta start saxcrificing!!! :D :D



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