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Bounty Bob Strikes Back cart


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that my first time on this board so I must say sorry for my bad English. It´s a long time ago.

I hope you can understand me.


Did anyone have the Bounty Bob Strikes Back cartridge and a XL / XE Atari with more about 128K ram?

Are the game running on this machines or only with a 64k memory?



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I fixed the cracked version of BBSB to run on a flash cartridge, and at the same time fixed the problems running on XEs or computers with expanded memory.


As part of the copy protection on the game there were lots of intentionally strange register accesses designed to 'fool' pirate carts and keep the game from running in expanded memory.


The fixed exe may still be on the flash cart message board at http://www.atarimax.com/flashcart/


A BBSB w/ emulator can also be downloaded from the authors web site. That version may be fixed as well but I have not tried it.



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Thanks Goochman and Steve for your answer.


Steve, I am a user of your flashcart and it runs good, but I miss a little part in it.

Everytime you want to change to another game you must switch the computer off and on.

What I want is a reset button for you cart. Is it possible?



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Is it just me, or is this game ridiculously, obscenely, ludicrously difficult?


I have a genuine cartridge, playing on a genuine 800XL (+ video mods) with my beloved cheapo Kraft joystick, and although I'm a veteran 'platformer', this game kicks me in the head every time!


After a few games, I tend to get frustrated and give up. Don't think I've ever made it past level 4 or 5.


Maybe I'm just getting old and my reflexes are dulling.

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