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Is this 2600 NTSC or PAL ?


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I just received another Atari 2600 CIB and this is the silver boxed Jr system and the picture on the cover shows it with a joystick instead of the joypad, which I also have, and on the system its self, the rainbow color band that goes across the silver section is only 2 inches long. So is this a pal or ntsc system.


:ponder: :? :?

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I didn't know they shipped Jr's with joypads. I thought that was a 7800 thing, post-Proline.


Anyway, there are 2 versions of the 2600; short rainbow and long rainbow, and I've had both in NTSC. Dunno if that was the same overseas, so it could be either one. Plug it in and find out. :-)

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There were 2 versions of the 2600 JR, the first release had the small 2 inch rainbow as you said and came with Joy sticks, the reason i know this is becase that was the one i got for christmass when I was a kid we were to poor to aford a nintendo now look where it has got me, HAHHAH but any ways the later revision is the one that had the rainbow all the way across the top and came with the joy pads. Hope this helps.



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Here in the UK I have seen a short rainbow with a joystick, a long rainbow with a joystick. Also the long rainbow with a Pro stick.


I have also seen an all black Jr, so we got 3 models not two. Dunno how that gels with the US?


All of these are PAL of course :ponder:

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Actually, there are 3 versions of the Junior excluding the 128-in-1 version - AFAIK in date order there's:


1) short rainbow stripe (comes in a large box like a Vader), with 2 Proline joysticks

2) short rainbow stripe (large box), with 2 joysticks?

2) all-black (comes in a large box also I think), PAL only, with Proline joysticks?

3) long rainbow (small box) with joysticks.

4) long rainbow (small box), with Proline joysticks PAL or NTSC

5) long rainbow (small box), with Joypads - PAL only?


I'm not certain as to where the all-black fits in but I think that's right... and there may be other variants of packaging but I'm pretty sure the above all exist. This is all my impression, BTW - it's not authoritative in any way whatsoever!

The rarest PAL Junior is the short-stripe, then the all-black, then the very common large stripe which I personally have about 12 of... hence I would imagine you have an NTSC console if it's short stripe, especially as it's in a small box... I've not seen that over here (but then, I've not really been looking) - short-stripes I think usually come in big boxes.

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