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CC2: controller type in CC2ROMDB.TXT?


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It would be nice to know if a game uses something other than a joystick.

Like maybe changing the menu name to like this:



P:Circus Atari

Kd:Cookie Monster Munch

Kd:Big Bird's Egg Catch

Kd:Oscar's Trash Race

K:Basic Programming

K:Brain Games

B:Omega Race (if it was in there)



in the CC2ROMDB.TXT maybe?


What do you all think?

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It would be nice to know if a game uses something other than a joystick.

Like maybe changing the menu name to like this:



P:Circus Atari

Kd:Cookie Monster Munch

Kd:Big Bird's Egg Catch

Kd:Oscar's Trash Race

K:Basic Programming

K:Brain Games

B:Omega Race  (if it was in there)



in the CC2ROMDB.TXT maybe?


What do you all think?


This was actually brought up in the larger beta test and it didn't get much support. You can always modify your own.



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The name field is 40 characters; just change things to use the last two or three for the controller type. The MENU.CC2 file (which is what matters) is just a simple fixed-record-length data file. You could write your own menu generator program which stuffs the controller type into the end of the name field in MENU.CC2, rather than going to the trouble of editing every single entry to be perfectly padded to 40 chars.

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The name field is 40 characters; just change things to use the last two or three for the controller type.  The MENU.CC2 file (which is what matters) is just a simple fixed-record-length data file.  You could write your own menu generator program which stuffs the controller type into the end of the name field in MENU.CC2, rather than going to the trouble of editing every single entry to be perfectly padded to 40 chars.


I did write/convert the memu generate in Java but I don't think anyone cares because there is code for Linux.


I guess I will come up with a relational thing that has all the non-joystick crc numbers and the controller type and then put in a link-up in my java code and then output the controller to the right side.


If you all are interasted, I can then add this code to the C code.


I can keep that on the link above when I get it done. With my wife going on vaca with-out me, I should have time to actually do it.

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I just updated the db file here it is:



You can replace your CC2ROMDB.TXT and then run the menu generater. To see this on your own CC2.


I just used the controller page here at AA and updated a list of them in a file, then I took that and had a program update the CC2ROMDB.TXT.


I know I could not find some of the ROM's in CC2ROMDB.TXT.


Here is what I started with


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:idea: Asteroids DC+, Omega Race DC and Sprintmaster DC are driving controller games.


I can keep fixing/changing this stuff (I guess :D ) as people find stuff to change. I will look at changing this.


Nice work, Mot - I'll give it a try.  On a side note, how many 7800 only games NEED a 7800 controller (with 2 buttons) to work properly - maybe that could be added as well?


I was thinking about this last night, there was someone who had a site with this information but don't know now. If anyone knows this info let me know.

Thanks :)

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I already labeled all of the games for paddle, keypad, ect.., so I guess I won't need to change it again.


I also sorted all of mine out by company. That took the better part of 3 hours to do by hand. :D But I think it is worth it. I still have my old menu.txt file so I can reorganize them the old way just by switching out the menu.cc2 file.


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Obviously he put a row into his MENU.TXT that had 40 dashes in the name field. As to the other fields, I'm not sure, but I know that a single dash in the ROM file name field is used with Supercharger second loads.


I suspect that the other fields are either also all filled with dashes or filled with blanks.


Then you use cc2menuconv to make the MENU.CC2 file.

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Obviously he put a row into his MENU.TXT that had 40 dashes in the name field.  As to the other fields, I'm not sure, but I know that a single dash in the ROM file name field is used with Supercharger second loads.


Actually those dashes are in the rom database to tell the menu generator not to install them into the MENU.TXT / MENU.CC2 file. Supercharger second loads are not included in those files at all. The ROMs just need to be renamed to in the appropriate format with the appropriate numbers in order to work correctly.


To put in such effects, just put whatever you want to appear in the menu in the first 40 columns of menu.txt. Then put any values of 8 characters or less in the remaining fields (all separated by tabs) and run the menu convertor on the menu.txt file to generate the menu.cc2 file.


Of course the CC2 doesn't recognize those fields as special in any way. So if you tried to load them as games or manuals it would just go search for the files and most likely tell you that it couldn't find them. (I say most likely because you could have those lines point to valid files on the MMC.)


One of the beta testers also did something similar. He had them sorted by manufacturer, and even had the catalog numbers next them, the whole nine yards.



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Everyone knows they can change the colors right?  :)




And boy are there a lot of colors :!: :)


Yeah, the hardest part of sorting by company was the acutal sorting part. Going thru the AA database by company and adding all the big ones. All the smaller companies with one or two games went into its own category called "small comanies" :D


I simply love this thing and still can't find anything bad to say about it. :thumbsup:

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