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Want more Cuttle Cart 2's?


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If you're intested in obtaining a Cuttle Cart 2 but didn't get in on the first run, go to my website (http://www.schells.com) and click on the "Want One" link in the upper right of the page.


Read what it says, and follow the instructions if you're interested.


If you've already told me somewhere else (via email, in another thread, etc.) that doesn't count. I'll never keep track of the various people who tell me they want one in various places.


And, just so that people don't get too excited this does not mean I'm geared up for a second run or that I have been so overwhelmed with interest at this time that I feel one is in order. I just want to put a mechanism in place now to help me keep track of the level of interest. If interest level seems high enough at some point, and response to the first run is largely positive, then I might consider building more.




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I hope it doesn't come down to Chad cancelling a second run and me finding out were one of you live, befriending you, you putting ultimate trust in me like babysitting your children while you go out one night, and me running off with your CC2 (putting a real babysitter in charge after I left of course).

Please do not give this idiotic plot/scheme I just cooked up any foothold in reality!

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Maybe we should crosspost this to the Atari 2600 forum. Many people who are 2600 fans, and don't stray from the massive Atari 2600 board, may not realize that you can in fact run Atari 2600 games using a Cuttle Cart 2 and an Atari 7800!

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