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VCS Adaptor Questions


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I was looking on e-bay and found several VCS adaptors. I have a few questions though:


1. Do these work on any model 5200 or just 2 ports?


2. Do they play all 2600 games? I heard it lacks a B/W switch which some games require but besides that......


3. How much do these things usually go for?


The reason I ask is I just purchased a 5200 from CPUWIZ but I'm not going to have enough room to hook up both 2600 and 5200. So I though if I cold just use the 5200 for double duty I would be set.


I relize this has probably been asked before, but the 5200 forum looks sad and gets few posts so I thought I'd contibute.


-Tim :)

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From my knowledge the vcs adaptator work with 2 Port and 4 port modified(with * in serial number). and for the games i think all work but i'm 100% sure!

But you should keep both systems especially because of 5200 joysticks problem!


In France who didn't have 5200 in our market, i bought one few month ago and it's great system, i hope you will appreciate!

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OH, I'm going to keep my 2600. Its my first one and my Fiance gae it to me so it has too much sentimetal value to get rid of. I'd prefer to play 2600 games on a 2600 I just dont have the room right now. When I get a new place I'll hook all my systems up. :)



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1. Do these work on any model 5200 or just 2 ports?


You need to modify the 4 port for it to work with a 2600 adapter.


2. Do they play all 2600 games? I heard it lacks a B/W switch which some games require but besides that......


Some games have issues working on the 5200 adapter.


3. How much do these things usually go for?


You can get one for somewhere between $15 and $20 if you are patient.


BTW, I highly recommend avoiding the adapter as a substitute for your 2600. The adapter is heavy and clunky. Whenever I plugged it into the cart slot, it sounded like it was breaking the 5200.

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As far as I know, there is only one 4-port board revision that is compatible, and they aren't very common. I've only found two myself, and had to repair one of those by replacing a bad controller port CMOS chip.


While an "official" unit might have a * in the serial number as someone else has said, the best way I know is to turn it over and look for the board revision through the case. It says "REV 3" in the lower right (lower left if unit is rightside-up) corner, but I'm not sure if there are any other 4-port "REV 3" boards with a different CO- part number.

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Yeah I'll probably end up getting one. But for now I've just disconnected my N64 to make room for the new 5200 when it arrives. Havent played 64 in a long while, been focusing more on 2600, DC and my Cube latley. The 64 has to go in the closet and sleep with the old PS1 for awhile. :)



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Yeah I'll probably end up getting one. But for now I've just disconnected my N64 to make room for the new 5200 when it arrives. Havent played 64 in a long while, been focusing more on 2600, DC and my Cube latley. The 64 has to go in the closet and sleep with the old PS1 for awhile. :)  




Have you ever seen a 5200 in person before? If not, I won't ruin the surprise for you :P

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Yeah I've seen one, 'bout the size of a VW right?. :) Seriously though, each system has its own shelf so I just removed the 64 from its shelf, and moved all the other systems below it up one shelf so the 5200 can sit on the bottom shelf which has the most room. Man my entertainment center is getting stuffed., I dont know what I'm going to do when I get a 7800.


-Tim :P

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