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Atari Disk format specs


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Hi all,


er.. I need a bit of a memory jog. I am about to image my Atari disks so I can back them up onto CD and also access them under emulation and of course post anything unique here on the forum.


I use the Catweasel controller on the Amiga but, it''s been a while since I used it and I've lost my multidisk.device listing :(


As I have just read up on the net, the 1050 drive could write the following:


1) Single-Sided, Single-Density, 90K which was 810 compatible

2) Single-Sided, Dual-Density, otherwise known as "Enhanced Density" because it is not true double-density

MFM 40 tracks x 26 sectors/track x 128 bytes/sector = 128K capacity


I need a little help with the nessasary fields on the Amigas DOS mount device can anyone tell me what is the correct BlockSize should I use? and how many BlocksPerTrack? Is a disk one surface when it's double density?


Here's the listing below........


/* multidisk file system entry


* This mounts a logical device on catweasel unit 0 for reading 180K Disks


FileSystem = L:CrossDOSFileSystem

Device      = multidisk.device

Unit     = 0

Flags    = 24  /* makes an Atari 800 XL 180 Kbytes single-sided driver */

BlockSize = 512

Surfaces = 1

BlocksPerTrack = 9

Reserved = 1

Interleave  = 0

LowCyl      = 0

HighCyl     = 39

Buffers     = 5

BufMemType  = 1

StackSize   = 2048

Priority = 5

GlobVec     = -1

DosType = 0x4D534400

Activate = 1

As always, any help appreciated... Thanx Tezz :)

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Did you try to use 551conv program? Few years ago I was using this cool prog to read Atari disks directly from the Amiga 5.25" drive and it was working :) ... As I remember, I hooked up an original Amiga 3.5" drive to XF551's Shuggart connector... An Atari XL/XE with 3.5" disks - it was amazing! :D


I was suprised when I discovered that 551conv can read such prepared disks :) ...


Here is the link to 551conv:




and to its GUI:




Now I use PC-TASK 4.40 emulator with APE 1.17 and SIO2PC cable with CTS line active. This is the best solution for Amiga-Atari fan like me :)...

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Thanks for that everyone, I will try to put the device driver together later this week.


voy Did you try to use 551conv program? Few years ago I was using this cool prog to read Atari disks directly from the Amiga 5.25" drive and it was working  ... As I remember, I hooked up an original Amiga 3.5" drive to XF551's Shuggart connector... An Atari XL/XE with 3.5" disks - it was amazing!


Yes, thanks voy. I have used 551 conv before and I have recently downloaded the latest from Aminet. My current Amiga set-up has a PC 5.25" drive connected to the Catweasel controller but, I do have an old Amiga 5.25" drive which I think is Amiga 500 only compatible. I guess failing setting up a new driver I could set-up my Amiga 500 and image the disks to an Amiga floppy and then copy the images to my Amiga tower for burning to CD/DVD.


Must archive these old 5.25" floppies !! I doubt that Verbatims lifetime guarranty will ensure that they will read for ever!!

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