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Guardian Heroes Sega Saturn

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Surprised to hear people rave about this title. Back when the Saturn was still in stores, retailers like EB were trying to clear out all remaining copies of the game for $19.99. It wasn't very popular, nor was it as great as many made it out to be.


I think sometimes people get caught up with the fact that its a game made by Treasure or something.

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It's a great game!  One of my favorties for the Saturn.  I love Randy, I could do some cool combos with his staff.




The premise of game relied a bit too much on the over-the-top combo system which resulted in many playing it as a button-masher. Sometimes the entire screen would be a mess of pixelated enemies and combo counters.

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The premise of game relied a bit too much on the over-the-top combo system which resulted in many playing it as a button-masher. Sometimes the entire screen would be a mess of pixelated enemies and combo counters.


Which is probably why I loved it.



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heh, although i dont have many, it remains as one of my favourite saturn titles.....


i think its awesome because it retains the 'walk through beat em up' style of gameplay which was popular in the late 80's (which was killed by street fighter clones in 90's which i hate with a passion)


not only that,it has elements of rpg, huge combos and most importantly, the cartooon like captivating story line which is just great allowing to choose diff paths through the game.


Add a 6 player Vs mode and ..... its beyond words.........

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I love Treasure games but my favorite company is still Working Designs. Nobody, I mean NooooooooBody, puts together a gaming package like they did. From the game itself to all the goodies they included (stickers, jewelery, etc) to the hardcover strategy guides, WD released some excellent packages.



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Surprised to hear people rave about this title.  Back when the Saturn was still in stores, retailers like EB were trying to clear out all remaining copies of the game for $19.99.  It wasn't very popular, nor was it as great as many made it out to be.  


I think sometimes people get caught up with the fact that its a game made by Treasure or something.


I think that's the case too. A lot of crappy and marginal games get called great because they're made by Treasure, Sega, Square, and others.


Personally, I didn't like Guardian Heroes. I found it an extremely poor example of the scrolling brawler genre.

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I got my copy of GH free! Well almost. Here's what happened. I bought a Sega Dreamcast branded disc wallet on ebay ($6.00 USD).


Wallet arrived and guess what was inside? Gaurdian Heroes! I thought this was just great seeing how a) it's a Saturn game I don't already have & B) it seems to go for fairly high prices.


Upon inspecting the read side of the disc I was quickly dismayed as I've never seen a disc scratched that badly in my life (hey I thought CDs reflected light? Not this one!)... I thought oh well...


Put it in the Saturn... worked like a charm! Scoreo!




Totally agree, Working Designs is a perfect example of how to do a video game right. I wish more companies gave even half as much attention to detail.


Markimus of GH.


PS: to make sure my concience was clear I emailed the wallet seller and asked if he knew there was a game in there. He had no idea what I was talking about and told me to keep it. It wasn't his personaly, just a guy re-selling stuff.

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