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Thrust+ - 1st beta with new title screen

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ok folks... just played around little bit with my old memories ("how the hell does append work on atari... ;))


here is the 1st version of reworked thrust binary with g2f title screen...

it's still beta status because of...


- g2f intro crashes after pressing start

- no thrust RMT music available

- g2f screen is not finished as the bad lines are not covered yet


maybe dely can send me some light why it crashes... this thrust g2f is done in GED mode so its a big unrolled loop... and it switches off ROM as well... so i exit the code with this...


lda 53279

cmp #6

beq endloop

jmp LOOP

endloop mva #0 ^4e

       sta 53248

       sta 53249

       sta 53250

       sta 53251

       sta 53252

       sta 53253

       sta 53254

       sta 53255

       sta ^40

       mva #$ff ^31

       mva #$40 ^4e

endend  rts


and as you can see... it seems to crash and does not load the 2nd part... the intro is started with $2e2 and the main thrust game with $2e0... so it should work... you can analyse the binary with XHEAD for the segments...


any help much appreciated.


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ok... simple idea...i merged all together... and after loading all stuff together 1st the g2f intro is started and after pressing start it jmps to $5600 where thrust is started... but same crash here as well...


g2f code $2000

g2f data $3000-$3fff

$4000 pmbase

$5400-$bfff thrust (ram save, thrust can be started at $5600)


no packing at the moment...




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So are you just working on the title screen of Thrust?


I think the gameplay needs some changes also. Such as how jerky the ship moves when you have the ball in tow. Also there seems to be no gravity and it just doesn't feel right when playing it.


Some type of joystick control would be great. ;)

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