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Are all Maze Craze Carts tempermental?


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Over the last few months, I've had about 10 Maze Craze cartridges and, even after cleaning, they all require 'wiggling' to make them work. None of them ever work first time they are inserted. I don't have this with any other carts, but it seems that every Maze Craze I get acts this way.


Am I just lucky or is this typical of this game? :?

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Oddly Ive had a few that havent worked, only the ntsc ones though as I recall...... :?


Shame really, as its a very good game in my opinion, was on my play rotation for quite a while...... :)


Its normally always the bloody activision carts that give me grief, I literally have dozens of those that are dead :(



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I noticed the same thing on all mine, but then I just thought that the startup routine always looks like the cart is not working. After a few seconds its normal.


This is true. Maze craze will always flash crazy colors in the beginning, because this is when it is randomly generating the maze.

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Thanks for the info everyone. All my Maze Craze do work, but I didn't realize that they did the color flashing before the maze appeared. I always wiggled the cart and it started working. I bet if I just wait a couple of seconds they'll all work normally. Thanks again. :)

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Mine hasn't given me that kind of problem. However, for as long as I can remember (and I got this cart when I was very young), there are garbage pixels that move along with one of the players. They aren't part of the collision detection, so it doesn't affect game play.

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