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Cartridge conversion to flashcart format

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I have an 8Mbit flashcart and I was thinking how I might use it. I was thinking that with a larger cartridge you may be able to convert other cartridge formats to work with the 8Mb flashcart.


For instance, the 128Kb XEGS cartridge. From what I've been able to gather contains 16 x 8Kb banks, where the last bank is always mapped in at $A000-$BFFFF and the other 15 banks are mapped into $8000-$9FFFF by a write to $D5xx.


Is it possible to take a 128Kb XEGS image, chop the last bank out, and combine it with all the other banks and write those banks to the flashcart so that anytime a new chunk is banked it, the bank that is not supposed to move is still there?


Of course it takes more space on the cartridge, but we have 1MB to work with. We would also have to edit the image to make the proper bank accesses for the flashcart, but that should be too difficult should it?


If all this is doable, a script or program could be written to do it automatically for various cartridge formats.


Well, possible?

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