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Sarah Silverman


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I just want back and I think she was referring to the band the ataris being a gay name for a band.


She goes on to decry the fact that the name was jsut picked because its retro and cool for the sake of cool, so it might not yet be time to hate her*





*She was in some minor controvresy a few years back for telling a joke on con or politically incorrect


When Silverman received a jury-duty notice, she complained to a friend that she didn't want to serve; the friend suggested she send back the form with something racist written on it, like "I hate chinks," because surely she would be ruled out as a juror. Silverman's reply? "I didn't want them to think I was racist, but I did want to get out of jury duty, so I wrote, 'I love chinks.'"



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*She was in some minor controvresy a few years back for telling a joke on con or politically incorrect  


When Silverman received a jury-duty notice, she complained to a friend that she didn't want to serve; the friend suggested she send back the form with something racist written on it, like "I hate chinks," because surely she would be ruled out as a juror. Silverman's reply? "I didn't want them to think I was racist, but I did want to get out of jury duty, so I wrote, 'I love chinks.'"




i think that was on the Letterman show

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