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AA Anthony Atari game of the week...


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- Spike's Peak -


by Xonox 1983


I bought my Xonox double ender a few years ago at a local Goodwill thrift shop. One end of the cart. has Spike's Peak, the other has Ghost Manor.

I have not been able to beat either of these games. Spike Peak, in my opinion, is the hardest 2600 game ever. I have never gotten past the first stage. You have to clinb up a mountain that is full of all sorts of mean animals that are ready to bite and kill you. There is even a big, scarey white snow monster, just waiting for you so he can bite your head off. However, you probably won't have to worry about him, since his bird friend will most likely pluck your eye out in stage one. You only need to take abiout 2 steps up the mountain till he flies down for the kill!

There are big yellow rectangle things that you can duck under or something. When you do this, the bird can't get you. However, the white bear or whatever it is will get you if the bird misses. He is especially hard to overcome, on account of the fact that he can mysteriously appear out of nowhere when you least expect it. Often he will be running but then dissapear and reapear somewhere else.

I dont have the time or patience to sit around all day and try to win this game. But if you are someone who has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever, this game would definitely be a challenge to sit down at for a few hours. Just don't lose your temper and break your Atari!

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