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HSC Week 6 Jumpman!


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This weeks game is Jumpman. We will be playing the 'Grand Loop' so all levels are open. YOu can play at any speed you like (for those that dont know you can press 1 - 9 to control how fast the game plays, 3 or 4 is usually the best).


Contest ends Fri Midnight EDT - or 5am Sat GMT on this board


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I got my score on my first game :) - Im going play prob play speed 2, 3 is a bit to slow for me.


For those that dont know you can press 1 - 9 prior to the start of each level to set the speed.


Yeah and for those who really don't know. The faster the speed, the more bonus points you will get when completing the board.


The downside? The missiles fire faster, so beware.


Dragons? I usually fire a little ahead to see where the arrow is gonna land, and then wait near a ladder. You can also jump over them. :wink:

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Yeah I know - I forgot that you can jump up and also the vines on the sides - I accidently ran too far right and off the board :) - When you hit a dragon the ramps flatten out with each hit so its better to get over them than hit them :)

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Trooper - Im trying to figure out what levels you are playing - your original score of 25K got you to level 19 - My score of 36K I did not get to level 19 - more like level 17/18 - Are you playing the 'Grand Loop' or starting on the Immediate level?



What speed are you playing at?


Just curious since the scores seem very far off - Im playing most of it at speed 2, but I dont think that can make a 10K bonus difference.

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Yeah I'm playing the Grand Loop (heythat's what you stated in the rules and since I'm such a non-cheater... :D ) I guess it's just that I'm extremely slowwhen playing. I haven't changed the speed so I'm going with the "standard" speed when playing.



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Ah, ok - didnt think you were cheating, but you were missing out on ALOT of points :) - You are on speed 3 and if you dont have patterns down I could see you losing alot of points on a variety of levels. Ive got the first 5 boards down pat on speed 2 - and a few others above that :)

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Yeah I guess you're right but what can I do?? I suck so bad at this game.....funny thing is I voted for Tapper next week and I suck really bad at that too :)


Now you're all thinking "WELL WHAT GAMES DON'T YOU SUCK AT?!?!?"


Well, I was kind of good at Easter Front back in the day :) I didn't suck totally at Battalion Commander either...... kind of hard to have Highscore contests in those games though :)





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