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HSC Week 6 Jumpman!


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I am just no good at this game.


I managed to get past "Hot Foot" but that was only luck and I still don't know the order to get the things in.


I think I am done with this game. Although it is more fun that I first gave it credit for before this week.




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Trooper - What level did you get to? lvl 23 is Follow the Leader. I managed just over 15600 in bonus which is basically the difference in our scores - IM done though, I enjoy Jumpman and have gotten my 10 year fill this week :)

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I get up, and nothing gets me down

You got it tough/I've seen the toughest around

And I know, baby, just how you feel

You've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real


Oh can't you see me standing here

I've got my back against the record machine

I ain't the worst that you've seen

Oh can't you see what I mean?


Might as well jump/Jump

Might as well jump

Go ahead, and jump/Jump

Go ahead, and jump


Sorry, couldn't resist :D


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Nice Shannon!


THis week is over


Yeah I was hoping to beat that as well, but that hidden maze screen was too much.


It takes a while for the 'ole memory to kick in. Luckily I was able to remember my patterns for most of the levels, but it was blank for that one.

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