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I just started collecting stuff for atari after i picked up a 2600 at a garage sale. Are there any places outside ebay where there are games? I havent been able to see any, so i must be looking in the wrong places. Any suggestions of places would be helpful.

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Welcome...try looking in your local classified section of the paper. People are sometimes still selling that stuff. You can find loads of info on this website, and especially the forums. I've been checking out this site for about a year now, but only just signed up for the forums. This is one hell of a website! And there are tonnes of folks here who would be glad to help you out with questions on collecting (I assume!!) :)

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welcome to the best Atari web site in the world!! If you are looking for mort games outside of Ebay, you can try: www.bidiots.com, www.atari2600.com, www.worldofatari.com, www.jackbergsales.com & right here at the Atariage Store, just hit the word Store at the upper right hand corner of your screen.


:D :ponder: ;)

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Sabeen, let me be the latest to welcome you to AtariAge. Please don't think that any question is too dumb to ask. Believe me, I've been posting stupid questions since the day I joined the forums here! :)


Once place that you might have some luck finding Atari games is at your local GoodWill stores. I am assuming that you live in the USA... I have had a resonable amount of good finds at the GoodWill stores where I live. Of course, if you are from outside the U.S., then never mind that piece of advice...


Essentially, what everyone else has said before me is true. If you are looking for a specific game or a specific Atari-related item, eBay is your best bet. But if you are just getting into collecting for your Atari systems, you will probably serve yourself better to scour all of your local resources (flea markets, used game stores, classified ads, etc.) before you look to eBay or Bidiots.com.


If I can give you a few bits of advice (as I was in your very same shoes not even six months ago) -- first of all, ask all of us here for any help that you might need. 99.9% of the people here are more than happy to help a newbie out. Second, don't make any big-ticket bids on things you might find on eBay without thoroughly researching the item that you are bidding on.


When I was in your position, I wasted some money buying things that, long story short, were not what I thought they would be. Don't want this to happen to anyone else. Third, trust your instincts when you are about to make a purchase. Again, this is something which I did not do, and am still regretting.


Fourth, don't forget to have fun! After all, the reason why everyone is here is to get the most out of our Ataris, and to enjoy good company. So again, welcome! If I can be of any help to you, please feel free to send me a Private Message. Good luck!

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