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Ooooh a find!


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So I was hunting (for atari stuff) around the northern woods of central Ontario.


And suddenly I come across a hidden village of stores all filled with old, useless, and interesting things.


I dug around past the boxes of adult magazines and national geographics and then suddenly I came upon a black cartridge with a handle.


Upon seeing the handle I suddenly freaked, RARE! it couldn't be!


I carefully flipped it over and lo and behold there she was, a K-tel original.


While this was the only atari cartridge in sight (there were several intellivision carts, bleh) I did manage to secure a funtastic 7800.


There was a 2600jr for $18 . It made no sense to me at the time and

it never will.


But I made off like a bandit (a paying bandit of course) and was very pleased with the awesome bounty I had secured.

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I found a Vulture Attack manual a while back and traded it to someone on here. I had like 10 PM's the second I announced I had found it. I ended up trading it for some XL/XE carts. The best "useless piece of paper" trade I ever made!! I know one thing is for sure... free is about the only way I would ever want to acquire a cart of that level of rarity. What does this cart sell for these days??

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As soon as I get my cameras mini usb cable back on my computer, I'll share photos, which reminds me


I got a "broken" lynx for 2 dollars!


the video cable was loose, I finally have a lynx! after almost two years of having games + case and no lynx to play!


Im so pleased!

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I found a Vulture Attack manual a while back and traded it to someone on here. I had like 10 PM's the second I announced I had found it. I ended up trading it for some XL/XE carts. The best "useless piece of paper" trade I ever made!! I know one thing is for sure... free is about the only way I would ever want to acquire a cart of that level of rarity. What does this cart sell for these days??


That manual would have been sweet.


This is pretty average for Vulture Attack. I got lucky and scored mine for about half that when no one was looking. ;-)


I got a "broken" lynx for 2 dollars!


You can get those regularily on eBay. He's always got those up.

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I got a nice haul of mostly PAL carts recently. I got the commons mostly for 1 euro a piece and the Nuts cart cost me a bit more ;) I also traded a really cool V-Case NTSC 4in1 (Freeway, Bowling, Tennis, Fishing) pirate cart for a double NTSC Pitfall I had. I have a weak spot for pirate carts with switches :love: Pictures included. It's great being a starting collector, so many games to find cheap that you don't have yet!



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id be intrested whisper but its  loooong way to aus,,, and postage might be quite schoking............ :|

Could be. I do have lots of spare used padded envelopes so that's for free. I'm not home until Friday. Send me a PM with which ones you are interested in and I can check out postage for you. But I can not do that before friday.

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