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how much would you pay for a H.E.R.O.???

inextremis staple

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I really like this game and one of my dealers here in town has it for $15 bucks I think. It's the only time I've seen this game so I have nothing to compare it to. I usually tend to spend no more than $5 on a cart and that's done me pretty well so far. Just lookin for some input. Thanks.



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$15 is a bit steep, but in my opinion it IS the best game for the 2600. I'd say you'd want to see how much Actiplaque the label has on it.


I wouldn't think twice about paying $10 for H.E.R.O. though, even if there's Actiplaque, as long as the label isn't torn.

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$15 is perhaps a little steep but it's a pretty sought after game so it's not completely off of the mark. Like Room 34 said, you'll want to check on the condition first. Plus, if it comes with a manual I'd say go for it.

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$15 is a bit steep, but in my opinion it IS the best game for the 2600.

Heathen! Then you have not played the eternally great Montezuma's Revenge! (Which I am working on a disassembly of right now. RAM cart/CC2 owners can simply change the byte at $05EC in the ROM image from 02 to 00 to enable immortality. That was the first time I was able to get to the "bonus level" room.)


$15 for H.E.R.O is maybe a bit steep. I'd have to agree about $10 being a better price. But he's the one doing the selling, so he's the one that gets to set the price.

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Am I just the cheap bastard that won't go over 3 Euro's + shipping for H.E.R.O.? :ponder: Must be because I'm Dutch. I'm still after the PAL version in the special artwork, I already have one, but it's a PAL Activision text white label re-issue. Oh well, I'm sure I will come across it some time for not too much.

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I've been looking for this one too. I try to be pretty cheap on my Atari purchases, but I'd be tempted to give $15 for a copy I could get locally. You'd be lucky to pay less than $10 on ebay, then $2-3 on shipping if you're lucky, then wait around for a week or more hoping it gets to you without any problems. Yeah, I'd probably go for it unless the label is really trashed.

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$12 is what I see it at most often.


$15 is not out of control, I'd just go on and pay it, its HERO for the love of Mike. :)


Who's Mike? :ponder: :P

I agree that it is one of the better games for the system. If it's CIB then I think it's a great deal. However $15 for it loose is a little steep. It's fun to play though 8)

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Ive sold this game SEVERAL times for the $20 mark.. $15 and no shipping charge (and being to see that game as you buy it) is not bad deal at all.. most of us in here are hard'r core collectors and tight'asses as well:) if the label is clean.. 15 is fine.. 20 is top buck, 10 is a 'value' deal.. anything less is robbery;)

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Oh, a related question on this topic: What do Tapper and Spyhunter go for on average. I'm not registered on ebay and APPARENTLY they changed it so you have to be registered to check completed auctions. Stupid ebay!


Tapper: avg. of 10 dollars plus shipping

Spy Hunter: avg. of 16 dollars plus shipping


Both very fun games and worth the price. :)

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Tapper in good condition is EASILY a $15+ game. Its a 6 rarity and that is underrated. Its also an incredible game. You are most likely to find it $20+


Spy Hunter is harder to find and I've seen it low at $30.


adams_ale, I'd LOVE to know where you are buying these games that they are this cheap! ebay?



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