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Seawolf Public Beta Test


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Finally, again in the arcade game, the game would pause every four shots while your torpedo tubes reloaded (a light in the periscope showed "reloading" while this happened). That way, you had to keep track of how many you just fired, so you would have to plan your firing patterns more carefully. Even though you're limited to two or three shots on screen, the "reload pause" isn't there.


I thought of this also .. In the Bally Astrocade home version, there is a torpedo graphic of four available shots. When all 4 are exhausted, the word "LOAD" appears briefly and then there are 4 torpedoes available again.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Hi there!


Say, are just the ships gone, or the complete lines?





It appears to be just the ships, I've attached two pictures of the TV screen. One is before play starts with only one row of ships. And the other is after I've reached 1000pts and all the torpedoes have turned to refueling cannisters.



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I tried out the Bally Astrocade home version of Seawolf today.


It is a paddle game for one or two people. One or two subs traverse the bottom of the playing area. At the bottom of the screen is the time remaining and graphics of how many torpedoes are available (up to four) for both subs. You can fire and display all four torpedoes on the screen at the same time. When all four are used, the word, "LOAD" appears for about 3.5 seconds.


The middle of the screen is where as few as two and up to four mines move.


The upper screen is where up to four ships move. There is a slow, medium and a small fast ship (worth 10, 30, 50 points). There is a Ping Ping Ping sound only when a fast small ship is traversing the screen.


I think that the LOAD delay contributes to some element of strategy especially when playing the two player version. But I do think that this would add another element of realism to your game .. rather than a shoot'em up.


I again played your game today. There was one problem: I shot and sunk a ship on the left side of the screen and I saw a ship sink on the right side too! Strange!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Hi there!


I again played your game today.  There was one problem:  I shot and sunk a ship on the left side of the screen and I saw a ship sink on the right side too!  Strange!


Uihja! Thought I had nailed all those bugs in the collision detection... Thanks for reporting!


From all suggestions so far I already changed a few small things by now:


- Restocking targets move a little faster.

- Carriers take more hits.

- Difficulty ramps twice as fast.


More changes are in consideration. Out of all feedback so far I compilied a 300+ lines long evaluation/todo list. I don't think I can do more than 10-20% of all those suggestions, especially when there was some contradicting feedback regarding some things.


Also there's pure economic things limiting what I can do. For example, yes, I can add the pause you suggested, but since I never planned for this feature, it'd currently cost me 1/3 of all remaining ROM space, so I have to judge its worth against other suggestions, that probably will add more gameplay value than this "service" feature :twisted:




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I can add the pause you suggested, but since I never planned for this feature, it'd currently cost me 1/3 of all remaining ROM space, so I have to judge its worth against other suggestions, that probably will add more gameplay value than this "service" feature :twisted:


Pause really is not important. Challenging gameplay is more important.


BTW: Gameplay resumes too quickly after game over. I was pushing the fire button too many times and I didn't catch my score!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Hi there!


Played it again this morning and found another minor bug:  I had a destroyer drop a depth charge on my refueling/ resupply pod and it gave me 99 fuel units and 50 torpedoes!


Haha, cool! :lol:


Well, I guess that's what Beta Tests are for ;)




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  • 1 month later...

Manuel, the Bad Panda Bear alert is serious.


I tried the PAL ROM on a PAL supercharger, color, both difficulty to B. At a certain point, all of the mines turn into refueling tanks progressively. From that point on, you only have refueling tanks on the screen.


Will not post any comment now, since it's clear that I've played the game in "bug" status. Still, does it support only joysticks? Don't you think that paddles are a more appropriate port of the original revolving periscope? As long as I remember, that game had pure analog control...

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Hi there!


Manuel, the Bad Panda Bear alert is serious.

I tried the PAL ROM on a PAL supercharger, color, both difficulty to B. At a certain point, all of the mines turn into refueling tanks progressively. From that point on, you only have refueling tanks on the screen.


Yup, that severe bug could happen in the demo version. Bad Panda Bear helped me fixing that since then, so this behaviour won't happen in the final version.


Will not post any comment now, since it's clear that I've played the game in "bug" status. Still, does it support only joysticks? Don't you think that paddles are a more appropriate port of the original revolving periscope? As long as I remember, that game had pure analog control...


Paddles were at consideration in early stages of the project, but I couldn't find enough calculation time for them :sad:


BTW: The game is completely finished now. I just sent David Exton a first draft of the manual text and as soon as he worked his magic, it's going to hit the stores :)




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Hi there!


Can't wait to put this into the VCS!!!  :love:


I'm going to make the final binaries publically available closely timed to the cartridge release.


If someone with a CC, SC or Eprom Burner can't wait that long and would like to help with some final playtesting on the real thing, let me know via PM... (All you have to do is play the game and report bugs or compatibility issues you run into...)




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there!


Any word on a release date? Waiting for this before I pick up my next lot of Homebrews. 8)  :)


It'll debut on that next next show in september, which I've forgotten the name of... NWGOCG or was it OGWEA or MWCGOCK or... some other bunch of cryptik capital letters... :dunce:


Anyway, it'll enter the shop right after that show :)




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