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Finally completed my Zellers collection


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Sears, and Quelle are specially branded, Zellers carts are not they where sold in the same box and cartridge worldwide.


Zellers boxes are specially branded and clearly distiguishable as Zellers boxes. Their boxes are also specific to each game:




You win I :D

I didnt realise the Zellers pricetag was printed on the box :roll:

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does anyone have examples of the same cartridge (like "fantastic game", quelle, or zellers-style labels) being distributed in different boxes with either no company name on the box or just a store brand? you would have to have both box styles with the same cartridge/game title included, rather than "similar" cartridge & label styles in different packaging.

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  • 2 months later...
Wow! Apparently there's two end label variations, then, 'cause all my Zellers carts have the same style end label and yours do not. I see at least three different styles.  


For the record, all mine look like the Dragon Treasure/Earth Attack ones. I have Pinball and Freeway that look like that.



Here's another. :)


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Zeller's games were manufacturered for Zeller's stores only, and since Zeller's is only in Canada they were sold only in Canada.


Also, rumour is that Target is looking to buy the Zeller's chain (along with The Bay). Could be the end of Zeller's in Canada. There is a good chance if this happens, all Zeller's stores in Canada will become TARGET's

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I doubt misspelled or foriegn-sounding labels can be attributed to Zellers. As has already been pointed out, they were exclusively manufactured and distributed through the Canadian Zellers chain. There may be others that look like Zellers carts -- but then that's not surprising. Zellers carts were very generic looking, much like Taiwan simple/cooper, Quelle, and others.


Does anyone know if Zellers did their own carts, or if they outsourced them from some other company that did pirates for others as well?

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I'm in need of 5:


Busy Police

Farmer Dan

Inca Gold


Space Adventure


I have extras of Laser Volley & Dragon Treasure, & also boxed copies of Challenge, Ocean City Defender, & a second Dragon Treasure. Prefer trade for boxed Zellers.


I'm also in need of a Box for Freeway..


This is what I've managed to track down so far:



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Also, rumour is that Target is looking to buy the Zeller's chain (along with The Bay).  Could be the end of Zeller's in Canada.  There is a good chance if this happens, all Zeller's stores in Canada will become TARGET's


GRRRRR... :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x


I can't stand how (thanks to Brian Mulroney and friends deregulating the country) American corporations are buying up Canada and sending their profits and tax dollars south and giving us nothing but "cowboy capitalism" in return! No offence to any Americans on this list - I don't dislike you - I just have a beef with big corporations!


Anyhow, as for Zellers carts, as a kid, I WOULD NEVER TOUCH THEM as I felt they were inferior "generic" carts. In fact, I still feel the same way today - weird!





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