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Ok well i'm not new my screen name was kyle but i got a new pc and forgot my old password and the email atariage has on file for me to send me a new passowrd isn't active anymore so anyway. I see a post on the message board of the college my wife attends ECU. Anyway the person is selling alot of things including atari games. So i email the person and we sat up a time and place to meet today. Well i went and the girl showed up with a box of about 80 atari 2600 games. Anyway there were about 7 games i didn't i have so heres what i got for $8.00

Smurf rescue

Alpha Beam with Ernie

Blue Print

Mouse Trap



And Canyon Bomber but instead of a copyright date of 1978 on the label it says 1988? Can anyone tell me anything about this anyone seen that befor?

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Ok well i'm not new my screen name was kyle but i got a new pc and forgot my old password and the email atariage has on file for me to send me a new passowrd isn't active anymore so anyway


Whoa, stop and take a breath, friend!


Smurf rescue  

Alpha Beam with Ernie  

Blue Print  

Mouse Trap  



And Canyon Bomber but instead of a copyright date of 1978 on the label it says 1988? Can anyone tell me anything about this anyone seen that befor?


Wow, that's a good haul, especially for eight bucks! Some reasonably uncommon games there. As Whisper mentioned, the Canyon Bomber is a re-release. Versions can be found with '87 and '88 copyrights on the label, and there might be '86s as well (not sure).



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Well my hunt today began after work when I decided to stop by the local goodwill.


I walk over to the electronics section and I see....a radio from 1943....some old dart board game from the 50s....a toaster oven...several of the old-style 25 inch tvs (floor model)...and there it...wasn't. :( No Atari...no video games of any kind. The closest thing I found was a box of old computer wires. I peered inside and there wasn't anything interesting there either...except for the half-eaten soda cracker at the bottom.


I decided to walk around a little more to make sure there isn't anything that just "happens" to be in the wrong place. An employee asks me if they can help me and I told her what I was looking for. As I expected, there answer was "No. We don't have anything. We don't normally get a lot in and when we do it goes pretty fast. But you can go to our store website (goodwillstore.com). There's one there now that has 60 games."


So I leave there and stop by Big Lots. Nothing much there either, but I did get a nice handle for the hose out back for $1.89. :)


One last stop...Game Stop. That too turned up nothing (the oldest they carry is N64/PS1). There was a customer there who said he had a small box of games at home, but I didn't pursue it as he mentioned..."You know...Pacman, Combat...all the good ones".


So as you can see...it turned up zilch. Oh and the website for the store? It just has a link to their Ebay store....which didn't have any Atari items in it when I looked. :)



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