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2600 console that doesn't fire?


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I recently got a 2600 6 switch console that plays fine, except that I can't get any joystick to fire on it. They all move perfectly in every direction, and I know its not the fault of the joysticks as they all operate on other consoles, so its this one particular 2600 that isn't responding to the fire button. I looked at the joystick input and the 9 pins are in place. Any ideas what the problem could be and how to fix it? Thanks.

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Indeed. If you're at all any good with a soldering iron, open the machine up, remove the RF sheilding and take a look at the underside of the board where the joystick ports are soldered. Chances are you'll probably see that one or more of the pins have worked loose of the solder. That happens a lot over time with soldered components that take a lot of abuse (such as plugging and unplugging of peripherals). You'll need to reflow the solder points (melt them so the solder reforms around the pins). A little tedious but works a charm. I've done this on a number of consoles that had various problems. (Finky AC plugs, RF plugs, joystick ports, etc.)

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