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AA Anthony Atari GAME OF THE WEEK.....


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- Infiltrate -


a game by APOLLO


I bought my loose cart a few years ago when Thrift stores ACTUALLY HAD

Atari games for sale. Ahh, the momorys of finding a big cardboard box full of dusty old games, uying the ones I needed, taking them home and cleaning them up....... :) what fun


Anyway, while I snap out of it-


Infiltrate comes in a nice black housing with a brown and blue label.

(see picture)

Other variations may exist as well.

(post pics of them if you want)


Since I dont have the instructions, I don't know what everything is exactly.

However, you are this white guy, and you are in this big colorful building, apparently one on another planet or something. There are elevators that go up and down from one floor to the next. There are several floors to climb. Once you get to the top, there's this stick thing to get, and once you get it, one appears back on the first level, so you have to make your way back down there. When you get that stick thing, a new one appears at the top, etc.


There are these big robots that want to try to catch you. There bullets can only go so far, so if you are far enough away from them, their bullets will come close, but then dissapear. You are equipped with a gun of your own. Shoot them before they shoot you! If you hit one and they are in the process of exploding, dont run into the explosion or die!


This game is pretty fun and is a nice looking cartridge to add to your collection.


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He could do what Zeus does and put the game of the week in his signature, in which only the name of the game could be in the signature.


Other than that, I see little wrong with offering a game of the week. Unless it's meant to mock Zero's High Score Club. :ponder:

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Since I dont have the instructions, I don't know what everything is exactly.


Anthony - spend some time looking around AtariAge (a nice break from those 93 posts you have made...). You will find, among other things, that Instructions are available online right here at AtariAge



I still use my Pac Man pillow case to this very day. It came w/ my Pac-Man sheets my mom got me whwn I was a kid.


(I snipped that from an earlier post of yours)


We're here to support you, Anthony -- I like your enthusiasm, and anyone dedicated enough to sleep on a Pac-Man pillow every night has a well-deserved place in this forum!


ps -- (I'm only speaking for myself here, and this probably should be a Private Message to you, but here goes) having your subject lines proudly self-proclaim ANTHONY ATARI (as in "AA ANTHONY ATARI game of the week") makes it seem like you are making yourself seem more important than the forum, and by extension the other people on the forum. Use your powers of posting wisely. The games are what matter the most. Don't get me wrong, it's totally cool to post about whatever 2600 game you want to - I'm trying to help you understand why people would respond "what's the point of this"

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I think the game of the week is a cool concept (we have the high score club posted here dont we?). Id say posting information on games some people have is informative and may be a good way to refresh titles we see in the wild and think nothing of. I would say there is nothing wrong with having a game of the week. In short posting information (reviews) and bragging rights (hi scores-no offense high score holders)..its all the same. Its what you get out of it and I am sure that if you don't like the topic, you don't have to read it. Besides, there is nothing derogatory or offensive here. Play, Post, & Read on!!


Cheers 8)

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