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How do you keep your manuals?

shining slade

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I remember someone saying that they had purchased inserts for a 3 ring binder to keep their manuals in. They even posted pics. I cannot recall who it was and I've not been able to find those inserts :? I've looked at staples & walmart. Anyone have a clue as to what I'm talking about and where I can get them?? They are transparent inserts with 2 slots on each page. Thanks in advance if someone can help me! :)

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That chair looks great in your game room!  I'll have to save a picture and show it to my wife one of these days when she's more agreeable to a lazyboy ;)


That's my older Lay-Z-Boy chair. I redid my living room with brown furniture when I moved two months ago so that chair now lives in the game room. With my bad back I needed a real gaming chair...



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If you do not have a lot of money to throw around on fancy schmancy ways to store your manuals I suggest 5x7 photo album pages that can be purchased at your local wal-mart for very little. Each page will hold 2 or if you put the manuals back to back 4. Then you can just put these pages in a binder. Thats what I did and it works great for 2600 and 5200 instruction, Probably 7800 but I don't have any of those so I can not say for sure.



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I use a hybrid CPUWiz / KaineMaxwell method. Any manuals that can be housed in a decent box with a cartridge are; all of my boxed games are kept in plastic tubs in one of my closets. My many loose ones are stored in zip-lock bags, which are in turn stored in a plastic container under my bed. The exceptions are my rarest cartridges and their papers, which are kept safe in a waterproof, airtight ammo can.


Manuals: http://www.eatel.net/~t_swager/CNXT0003a.JPG

Ammo can: http://www.eatel.net/~t_swager/CNXT0001c.JPG




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Ammo can:http://www.eatel.net/~t_swager/CNXT0001c.JPG


Mmmmm, Surf's Up, wanna part with that? :ponder: :D


My Surf's Up cart is the one pictured in the AtariAge database, and the same picture also turned up in a past issue of Game Informer. It's doing good things for me, so I think I'll hold on to it. :D (BTW, you've got a good eye to recognize it from that blurry pic.) I'm considering wearing it around my neck like a rabbit's foot, or seeing if it'll help me pick up hot chicks. (Can't hurt to try, right? ;))

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