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My weekend finds


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Karateka (7800)- $2

Venture -$2.50

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back- $3

Atlantis- $1.50

Space Invaders- $2.50

Dark Chambers- $2.50

Gorf- $4

Target Fun- $1

Raiders of the Lost Ark- $.75

Maze Craze- $1


Swordquest: Fireworld- $1.50

Demons to Diamonds- $1

G.I. Joe- $3

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I could be at a huge flea market today, but I have to write my internship report on which I'm running terribly late. *cries* :sad: Who knows what I could have picked up. A girl I know said there are always some cool retro gaming things for cheap, she had never left the flea market (which is only once a year) with empty hands. I want to go too! :sad:

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I went to a flea market this weekend and a guy had a box of stuff for $10... I decided not to get it as he would not allow you to look through it (and he was kind of a jerk). Then I asked if he had any Atarti stuff. He said he has about 6 or 7 systems... starting at $89 each. I was laughing as I walked away.



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I love and hate flea markets, it's like hunting for treasure but nowadays everyone seems to know exactly what everything is 'worth', thanks to that stupid internet, thank you Al Gore for inventing the interent.


I do most of my shopping at two stores in my area. One is a used record store that has a decent selection of 2600 games. The other is an independent game shop that specializes in older systems. It's where I go my 7800 that I use now, it beats Ebay and shipping costs.

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The thing that sucks for me is there is one flea market near me, I go every weekend but there is never much there. When i do find some game they are usually over priced and the sellers never want to go lower. As for stores where i live there are not any thrift stores or any that have any game so i am pretty much stuck with going to the flea market.

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I've been wanting to do some garage sale hunting, but the bad weather here (Cleveland) lately has put a damper on most of my plans :_(


The one weekend I did manage to go garage sale hunting, all I found was SNES :lust:, N64 :love: , and PS1 :sleep: stuff. It seems the Atari market has dried up here.

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