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P on End label carts

shining slade

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I know my TV does not support PAL games. I've got an Off the Wall that's PAL and it rolls. :)


Does the image fit the TV screen perfectly, or does it look stretched? If it looks stretched, the game is in all likelihood PAL, but for some reason, it's viewable on your TV. The same thing's happened to me on a TV that I know does not support PAL.


If it fits perfectly, then maybe the sticker was just stuck on there by accident.

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As for SECAM games, I have one that states "Systeme TV SECAM Exclusivement", but it plays fine on my PAL TV that does not support NTSC. And a P on a cart, no matter where does indicate it's PAL. I guess if some of those games with the P on the end label play on your TV, then you must have a color shift like a NTSC game on a PAL TV right? Perhaps you can compare your games with screenshots here in the Atari database. If they are not the same it means you have a PAL cart.


Still TV sets are strange things, I have a PAL Nuts (Technovision) cart and a PAL Desert Falcon that roll on my PAL TV just like they were NTSC carts, but the colors are OK, so they can't be NTSC.

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Yes, basically Atari games use a wide range of freaky scanlines, so there are many PAL games that fit NTSC TVs and vice-versa. If the TV vertical hold is "flexible" enough, it can sync the signal and voila' there goes your game, wether it is NTSC or PAL.


You don't even know how many NTSC games I owned and played every day without knowing it. I've found it out lately, buying a multi-standard TV, and was very surprised.


On the other hand, sometimes the vertical sync is SO freaky that PAL games don't work on PAL TVs :roll: but that's another problem.

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