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Are there any plans for Lynx to be playable on GBA SP?


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Are you sure, TailChao? I've heard that there is a real SNES emulator in the works for GBA. I've even seen some screenshots of the thing running. Now, no offense to the Lynx or anything, but it's certainly not up to par with the SNES in terms of power. Not that i'm an emulator writer or anything, but I can't see the Lynx hardware as being harder to write for.


Just my first two cents in the Lynx forum, hehe. :D

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I think that a reasonalbly playable Lynx emulator could be developed. The screen size is fairly close, the resolution is pretty low, and of course, only 16 colors can be displayed simultaneously(well...in most cases, anyway...). Granted, my knowledge of the Lynx hardware isn't that good(notice the lack of clarification on the res and screen size). What i'm trying to get at is that the hardware requirements aren't nearly as demanding as, for instance, the SNES emu.


Then again, I really don't like my odds when debating with a Lynx developer... ;)

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Given the fact that the GBA was just barely appear to keep up with getting a good Atari 2600 emulator (Activision Anthology), making a LYNX emulator for the GBA might be mission impossible. It would be too slow to be playable.

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Given the fact that the GBA was just barely appear to keep up with getting a good Atari 2600 emulator (Activision Anthology), making a LYNX emulator for the GBA might be mission impossible. It would be too slow to be playable.


Part of the reason why the Atari 2600 is so hard to emulate on the GBA is due to the way the Atari 2600 games were programmed. The GBA is far more capable of emulating the NES than the 2600. I don't know the technical stuff behind that claim; I'm just repeating what I've heard on this board.


I remember back when my PC at the time (which was much more powerful than a GBA) was barely able to run a 2600 emulator, yet NES games (through Nesticle) ran fine.

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Yeah, I was going to say something along those lines, though admittedly, my reference would have been the PC-Engine. Even so...


Regardless, I'm definitely not the authority on these things. I have read some stuff about emulation, and of course, i've got some emulator experience. I could be wrong. :)

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all I can think is why????? you buy the latest hardware and then woder if it can play the old games kinda defeats the purpose of buying the thing doesn't it when you can pick up the real thing cheaply that is guaranteed to play lynx games perfectly

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  • 3 weeks later...

I posted this question as a noob in the Lynx area (ie... BEFORE I got my Lynx). I only wondered this as to the wonders today that people do with flash carts.


I know the GBA SP can play any NES games and regular GBA games. I never thought I was going to get a Lynx (although after I bought mine, I know of at least 6 in the local area I can buy)... that's why I wanted to know if an emulator would be made for the GBA SP (cause I love it as a portable as well).




But all of this is moot as I am a proud owner now of a LYNX... I just need to get a battery pack and stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have old sierra atari ST games in full, that run on my series 60 nokia 6600. Plus I have a gameboy, snes, and mega drive/genesis roms on my mmc card with emulaotrs, that all run on this failry low powered device.


I even asked the company that make the gameboy emulator to do an atari lynx one, but they grumbled something about copyright.

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well, irregardless, it still had a 16mhz chip in it. the snes sure didnt, and neither did the genesis.

Well, that 16Mhz Chip is the VDP =P

If a Genesis was going to be emulated, you need to account for it's faster VDP (~21Mhz? I can't remember the exact speed), the 68k (7.6Mhz), and the Z80 (3.5Mhz), plus the FM and PSG if you wnted sound

If the SNES was in target, you'd need to emulate It's VDP (21Mhz?) the 65816 (Variable 1-3.58Mhz) and the extra sony sound controller, plus the DSP for sound (much simpler to emulate than an FM in my opinion)

The lynx is closer than SNES/Genesis, but still far from being perfectly emulated.

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