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Found Boing!.... no label!


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Gonna ask another stupid question! I recently just bought 11 carts from ebay UK for £12.00 (vangauard, pacman, robot tank, pitfall 2....etc...etc...) no box or manuals and one with no label which turned out to be Boing!, didnt know anything about the game 'til i checked it out here and saw it was quite rare.

I buy and sell carts on ebay often, my question is does the fact it has no label really hammer down the value/rarity of it? 'coz i'll get people asking me to end the auction early 'coz of the fact it has no label (its happened a few times!).

I would like to keep it and start to build up my own collection but....house...wife..etc..!

By the way it probably is a PAL cart, cant really tell, and i think it would have had the standard label. Either way i like the game anyway!

Sorry to go on!!

Thanks for any advice guys!!!


Juzza :?

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Boing! is Rare, with lable or without. Don't now how Rare is a PAL Boing!, I own too one and the lable looks like a photocopie (maybe its selfmade and the original PAL Boing! has no lable?). But I have not often seen PAL Boing!'s in the past.

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I too am the proud owner of a PAL Boing! and no, it's not common. Weirdly, my Boing also has no label! My cart is also broken, unfortunately, so mine is worth very little, but heck, it's still Boing, and it's still quite scarce, so I'm happy.


Obviously First Star's quality control on labels wasn't terribly good....

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Wow, a Boing! Very cool and fun game (at least I always enjoyed it). I knew somebody who owned one years ago, so I got to play an actual cart. I seem to recall the label being silver, but a) it was an NTSC cart, and b) that was about 18 years ago, so my memory (shoddy on its best days) might be playing tricks on me. Boing is tops on my list of games I'd love to add to my collection.



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