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Don't throw out your dead carts. :)


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I had a pile of about 15 games that I presumed were dead as I had cleaned them and still just static on the t.v. I had even taken a cotton swab to the cartridge slot of my 4-switcher in attempts to clean it. Eventually, I just presumed the system must be okay, because it played 95 percent of the games just fine. Today my heavy sixer arrived from retrogames-r-us and I put in one of the "dead" carts just to test it one last time before I threw the lot of them in the trash. I turned the system on and to my surprise it worked! :o Not only that, but 13 out of the 15 games that I thought were dead now work just fine!! :D The only cartridge that I can't get to work is Barnstorming(both of them). What a cool surprise. Is it known if some games don't play well on some systems or did I just not clean my old system well enough? In any case that makes for a happy atari day. :)

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I suspect some of the contacts on the carts giving you trouble have been worn almost completely away. The heavy sixer may have a slightly deeper slot reaching farther up the worn contacts to where they are not so badly worn. So they are able to make electrical contact and work properly. Do the carts fail if you wiggle them in the slot with the power turned on?



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I suspect some of the contacts on the carts giving you trouble have been worn almost completely away. The heavy sixer may have a slightly deeper slot reaching farther up the worn contacts to where they are not so badly worn. So they are able to make electrical contact and work properly. Do the carts fail if you wiggle them in the slot with the power turned on?




That is interesting. If I do touch them slightly they do stop working. You may be correct as the games are still finicky. At least they are playable now so that is cool. 8)


By the way I left you positive feedback MrRetroGamer. :thumbsup: Thanks!

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