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How much would you pay for 8K F8 multicart?


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Just checking as I have built a working multicart proto. Currently I can easily make multicart using 1, 2, and 4 Meg EPROM (for 16, 32, and 64 8K games respectively)


If I do build a few to sell, keep a couple things in mind:

no Activision games for the same reason AA doesn't hose AA ROMs

It has to be F8 based so no Parker Bros, Tigervision, M-Network, and few other brands


The turnaround tim would be from a few days to a few weeks (depending on other works I have to do) and I still need to come up with a decent label for the multicart. Any idea where to find those foil label like Imagic and Spectravision? Those I've seen are the sparkling and not mirror like.

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Hey Susu...


Do you have the ability to make an eprom board that is 16k and will fit four 4k games on it? When you turn the cart off / on, it will cycle to the next game? I would be EXTREMELY interested in purchase 100-125 of these for a project I'm working on...


Also, on the current multicarts you can make, are these menu drivin or dip switch? Thanks! - Daryl

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That could be done but I'm not sure how to make the game switching done automatically. Atari had 32-in-1 that was supposed to cycle through 32 games when you cycle the powerr switch but that never worked and you get random games.


Order some standard 4K PCB from AA store with the inverter already added, modify to disconnect the VCC line to EPROM hole 24 add in 27c128 EPROM, wire the VCC to EPROM pin 1, 27, and 28 and finally wire the A12 and A13 (EPROM pin 2 and 26 respectively) to the switching circuit. Let me check around in electronics and see what low cost solution would work.


I have lots of Pac Mans, Space Invaders, ETs, Asteroids, and other assorted common 2600 carts for shell.

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