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Was it a 2600?? please help!!!


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Ok, I really need some help. I used to have an Atari console when I was a kid but it didn't look like any of the pictures I've seen ofgames systems on the net. I'm assuming it was a 2600 because all the games I had were 2600 games ( popeye, jungle hunt...). Here's how it looked: It was black and was the keyboard type. The buttons were square, shiny metal and were not switches, they were push down. That's about all I can remember because it must be something like 8 years since I sold it ( silly me ). Were there any other game consoles that were compatible with Atari Games? Anyway, any help would be greatly apreciated as I'm trying to find one (I miss mine too much) and it would really help me if I knew what I was looking for. Thanks.

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Yup. Sounds like some flavour of Atari XL computer, my personal first home computer and still my favourite. :-)


To help identify, there were three flavours of XL:


600XL: The base model with 16K of memory. The rear portion of the unit was short, with only about an inch of space above and below the cartridge port.


800XL: Same as the 600XL, but with a longer back and 64K of memory.


1200XL: Continuing the trend, same as an 800XL but with a very long back indeed, plus the function keys were moved to the top (above the keyboard proper) and six new function keys were added beyond the standard Start/Select/Option/Reset/Help (labeled, predicably, "F1" through "F6"). There weren't too many of these sold due to changes made to the system architecture that rendered it buggy and somewhat incompatible with existing software.


Much as I loved the XE line for being sleek and sexy, the XLs were built like tanks.

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The Atari 800XL was the first personal computer I ever owned. God how I loved that machine. I used to play a lot of games, wrote a few term papers for some of my college courses, and logged onto BBS which was a lot of fun.


I kind of miss that since today's machines lack a personality like the first computer systems used to be like. I had friends who had XL, C64s, Apple IIe, etc and we got to play a lot of different games that were otherwise not available for one system or another.

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